Branch data Line data Source code
1 : : // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
2 : : // Copyright (c) 2009-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
3 : : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
4 : : // file COPYING or
5 : :
8 : :
9 : : #include <net.h>
10 : : #include <txorphanage.h>
11 : : #include <validationinterface.h>
12 : :
13 : : #include <chrono>
14 : :
15 : : class AddrMan;
16 : : class CChainParams;
17 : : class CTxMemPool;
18 : : class ChainstateManager;
19 : :
20 : : namespace node {
21 : : class Warnings;
22 : : } // namespace node
23 : :
24 : : /** Whether transaction reconciliation protocol should be enabled by default. */
25 : : static constexpr bool DEFAULT_TXRECONCILIATION_ENABLE{false};
26 : : /** Default for -maxorphantx, maximum number of orphan transactions kept in memory */
27 : : static const uint32_t DEFAULT_MAX_ORPHAN_TRANSACTIONS{100};
28 : : /** Default number of non-mempool transactions to keep around for block reconstruction. Includes
29 : : orphan, replaced, and rejected transactions. */
30 : : static const uint32_t DEFAULT_BLOCK_RECONSTRUCTION_EXTRA_TXN{100};
31 : : static const bool DEFAULT_PEERBLOOMFILTERS = false;
32 : : static const bool DEFAULT_PEERBLOCKFILTERS = false;
33 : : /** Maximum number of outstanding CMPCTBLOCK requests for the same block. */
34 : : static const unsigned int MAX_CMPCTBLOCKS_INFLIGHT_PER_BLOCK = 3;
35 : : /** Number of headers sent in one getheaders result. We rely on the assumption that if a peer sends
36 : : * less than this number, we reached its tip. Changing this value is a protocol upgrade. */
37 : : static const unsigned int MAX_HEADERS_RESULTS = 2000;
38 : :
39 [ + - ]: 20976 : struct CNodeStateStats {
40 : : int nSyncHeight = -1;
41 : : int nCommonHeight = -1;
42 : : int m_starting_height = -1;
43 : : std::chrono::microseconds m_ping_wait;
44 : : std::vector<int> vHeightInFlight;
45 : : bool m_relay_txs;
46 : : CAmount m_fee_filter_received;
47 : : uint64_t m_addr_processed = 0;
48 : : uint64_t m_addr_rate_limited = 0;
49 : : bool m_addr_relay_enabled{false};
50 : : ServiceFlags their_services;
51 : : int64_t presync_height{-1};
52 : : std::chrono::seconds time_offset{0};
53 : : };
54 : :
55 : : struct PeerManagerInfo {
56 : : std::chrono::seconds median_outbound_time_offset{0s};
57 : : bool ignores_incoming_txs{false};
58 : : };
59 : :
60 : 1113 : class PeerManager : public CValidationInterface, public NetEventsInterface
61 : : {
62 : : public:
63 : : struct Options {
64 : : //! Whether this node is running in -blocksonly mode
65 : : bool ignore_incoming_txs{DEFAULT_BLOCKSONLY};
66 : : //! Whether transaction reconciliation protocol is enabled
67 : : bool reconcile_txs{DEFAULT_TXRECONCILIATION_ENABLE};
68 : : //! Maximum number of orphan transactions kept in memory
69 : : uint32_t max_orphan_txs{DEFAULT_MAX_ORPHAN_TRANSACTIONS};
70 : : //! Number of non-mempool transactions to keep around for block reconstruction. Includes
71 : : //! orphan, replaced, and rejected transactions.
72 : : uint32_t max_extra_txs{DEFAULT_BLOCK_RECONSTRUCTION_EXTRA_TXN};
73 : : //! Whether all P2P messages are captured to disk
74 : : bool capture_messages{false};
75 : : //! Whether or not the internal RNG behaves deterministically (this is
76 : : //! a test-only option).
77 : : bool deterministic_rng{false};
78 : : //! Number of headers sent in one getheaders message result (this is
79 : : //! a test-only option).
80 : : uint32_t max_headers_result{MAX_HEADERS_RESULTS};
81 : : };
82 : :
83 : : static std::unique_ptr<PeerManager> make(CConnman& connman, AddrMan& addrman,
84 : : BanMan* banman, ChainstateManager& chainman,
85 : : CTxMemPool& pool, node::Warnings& warnings, Options opts);
86 : 0 : virtual ~PeerManager() = default;
87 : :
88 : : /**
89 : : * Attempt to manually fetch block from a given peer. We must already have the header.
90 : : *
91 : : * @param[in] peer_id The peer id
92 : : * @param[in] block_index The blockindex
93 : : * @returns std::nullopt if a request was successfully made, otherwise an error message
94 : : */
95 : : virtual std::optional<std::string> FetchBlock(NodeId peer_id, const CBlockIndex& block_index) = 0;
96 : :
97 : : /** Begin running background tasks, should only be called once */
98 : : virtual void StartScheduledTasks(CScheduler& scheduler) = 0;
99 : :
100 : : /** Get statistics from node state */
101 : : virtual bool GetNodeStateStats(NodeId nodeid, CNodeStateStats& stats) const = 0;
102 : :
103 : : virtual std::vector<TxOrphanage::OrphanTxBase> GetOrphanTransactions() = 0;
104 : :
105 : : /** Get peer manager info. */
106 : : virtual PeerManagerInfo GetInfo() const = 0;
107 : :
108 : : /** Relay transaction to all peers. */
109 : : virtual void RelayTransaction(const uint256& txid, const uint256& wtxid) = 0;
110 : :
111 : : /** Send ping message to all peers */
112 : : virtual void SendPings() = 0;
113 : :
114 : : /** Set the height of the best block and its time (seconds since epoch). */
115 : : virtual void SetBestBlock(int height, std::chrono::seconds time) = 0;
116 : :
117 : : /* Public for unit testing. */
118 : : virtual void UnitTestMisbehaving(NodeId peer_id) = 0;
119 : :
120 : : /**
121 : : * Evict extra outbound peers. If we think our tip may be stale, connect to an extra outbound.
122 : : * Public for unit testing.
123 : : */
124 : : virtual void CheckForStaleTipAndEvictPeers() = 0;
125 : :
126 : : /** Process a single message from a peer. Public for fuzz testing */
127 : : virtual void ProcessMessage(CNode& pfrom, const std::string& msg_type, DataStream& vRecv,
128 : : const std::chrono::microseconds time_received, const std::atomic<bool>& interruptMsgProc) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(g_msgproc_mutex) = 0;
129 : :
130 : : /** This function is used for testing the stale tip eviction logic, see denialofservice_tests.cpp */
131 : : virtual void UpdateLastBlockAnnounceTime(NodeId node, int64_t time_in_seconds) = 0;
132 : :
133 : : /**
134 : : * Gets the set of service flags which are "desirable" for a given peer.
135 : : *
136 : : * These are the flags which are required for a peer to support for them
137 : : * to be "interesting" to us, ie for us to wish to use one of our few
138 : : * outbound connection slots for or for us to wish to prioritize keeping
139 : : * their connection around.
140 : : *
141 : : * Relevant service flags may be peer- and state-specific in that the
142 : : * version of the peer may determine which flags are required (eg in the
143 : : * case of NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED where we seek out NODE_NETWORK peers
144 : : * unless they set NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED and we are out of IBD, in which
145 : : * case NODE_NETWORK_LIMITED suffices).
146 : : *
147 : : * Thus, generally, avoid calling with 'services' == NODE_NONE, unless
148 : : * state-specific flags must absolutely be avoided. When called with
149 : : * 'services' == NODE_NONE, the returned desirable service flags are
150 : : * guaranteed to not change dependent on state - ie they are suitable for
151 : : * use when describing peers which we know to be desirable, but for which
152 : : * we do not have a confirmed set of service flags.
153 : : */
154 : : virtual ServiceFlags GetDesirableServiceFlags(ServiceFlags services) const = 0;
155 : : };
156 : :
157 : : #endif // BITCOIN_NET_PROCESSING_H