Line data Source code
1 : // Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin Core developers
2 : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3 : // file COPYING or
4 :
7 :
8 : #include <consensus/amount.h> // for CAmount
9 : #include <interfaces/types.h> // for BlockRef
10 : #include <node/types.h> // for BlockCreateOptions, BlockWaitOptions
11 : #include <primitives/block.h> // for CBlock, CBlockHeader
12 : #include <primitives/transaction.h> // for CTransactionRef
13 : #include <stdint.h> // for int64_t
14 : #include <uint256.h> // for uint256
15 : #include <util/time.h> // for MillisecondsDouble
16 :
17 : #include <memory> // for unique_ptr, shared_ptr
18 : #include <optional> // for optional
19 : #include <vector> // for vector
20 :
21 : namespace node {
22 : struct NodeContext;
23 : } // namespace node
24 :
25 : class BlockValidationState;
26 : class CScript;
27 :
28 : namespace interfaces {
29 :
30 : //! Block template interface
31 38471 : class BlockTemplate
32 : {
33 : public:
34 : virtual ~BlockTemplate() = default;
35 :
36 : virtual CBlockHeader getBlockHeader() = 0;
37 : // Block contains a dummy coinbase transaction that should not be used.
38 : virtual CBlock getBlock() = 0;
39 :
40 : // Fees per transaction, not including coinbase transaction.
41 : virtual std::vector<CAmount> getTxFees() = 0;
42 : // Sigop cost per transaction, not including coinbase transaction.
43 : virtual std::vector<int64_t> getTxSigops() = 0;
44 :
45 : virtual CTransactionRef getCoinbaseTx() = 0;
46 : virtual std::vector<unsigned char> getCoinbaseCommitment() = 0;
47 : virtual int getWitnessCommitmentIndex() = 0;
48 :
49 : /**
50 : * Compute merkle path to the coinbase transaction
51 : *
52 : * @return merkle path ordered from the deepest
53 : */
54 : virtual std::vector<uint256> getCoinbaseMerklePath() = 0;
55 :
56 : /**
57 : * Construct and broadcast the block.
58 : *
59 : * @returns if the block was processed, independent of block validity
60 : */
61 : virtual bool submitSolution(uint32_t version, uint32_t timestamp, uint32_t nonce, CTransactionRef coinbase) = 0;
62 :
63 : /**
64 : * Waits for fees in the next block to rise, a new tip or the timeout.
65 : *
66 : * @param[in] options Control the timeout (default forever) and by how much total fees
67 : * for the next block should rise (default infinite).
68 : *
69 : * @returns a new BlockTemplate or nothing if the timeout occurs.
70 : *
71 : * On testnet this will additionally return a template with difficulty 1 if
72 : * the tip is more than 20 minutes old.
73 : */
74 : virtual std::unique_ptr<BlockTemplate> waitNext(const node::BlockWaitOptions options = {}) = 0;
75 : };
76 :
77 : //! Interface giving clients (RPC, Stratum v2 Template Provider in the future)
78 : //! ability to create block templates.
79 1046 : class Mining
80 : {
81 : public:
82 : virtual ~Mining() = default;
83 :
84 : //! If this chain is exclusively used for testing
85 : virtual bool isTestChain() = 0;
86 :
87 : //! Returns whether IBD is still in progress.
88 : virtual bool isInitialBlockDownload() = 0;
89 :
90 : //! Returns the hash and height for the tip of this chain
91 : virtual std::optional<BlockRef> getTip() = 0;
92 :
93 : /**
94 : * Waits for the connected tip to change. During node initialization, this will
95 : * wait until the tip is connected.
96 : *
97 : * @param[in] current_tip block hash of the current chain tip. Function waits
98 : * for the chain tip to differ from this.
99 : * @param[in] timeout how long to wait for a new tip
100 : * @returns Hash and height of the current chain tip after this call.
101 : */
102 : virtual BlockRef waitTipChanged(uint256 current_tip, MillisecondsDouble timeout = MillisecondsDouble::max()) = 0;
103 :
104 : /**
105 : * Construct a new block template
106 : *
107 : * @param[in] options options for creating the block
108 : * @returns a block template
109 : */
110 : virtual std::unique_ptr<BlockTemplate> createNewBlock(const node::BlockCreateOptions& options = {}) = 0;
111 :
112 : //! Get internal node context. Useful for RPC and testing,
113 : //! but not accessible across processes.
114 0 : virtual node::NodeContext* context() { return nullptr; }
115 : };
116 :
117 : //! Return implementation of Mining interface.
118 : std::unique_ptr<Mining> MakeMining(node::NodeContext& node);
119 :
120 : } // namespace interfaces
121 :