Branch data Line data Source code
1 : : // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
2 : : // Copyright (c) 2009-2021 The Bitcoin Core developers
3 : : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
4 : : // file COPYING or
5 : :
8 : :
9 : : #include <prevector.h>
10 : : #include <primitives/transaction.h>
11 : : #include <script/script.h>
12 : : #include <serialize.h>
13 : : #include <span.h>
14 : :
15 : : /**
16 : : * This saves us from making many heap allocations when serializing
17 : : * and deserializing compressed scripts.
18 : : *
19 : : * This prevector size is determined by the largest .resize() in the
20 : : * CompressScript function. The largest compressed script format is a
21 : : * compressed public key, which is 33 bytes.
22 : : */
23 : : using CompressedScript = prevector<33, unsigned char>;
24 : :
25 : :
26 : : bool CompressScript(const CScript& script, CompressedScript& out);
27 : : unsigned int GetSpecialScriptSize(unsigned int nSize);
28 : : bool DecompressScript(CScript& script, unsigned int nSize, const CompressedScript& in);
29 : :
30 : : /**
31 : : * Compress amount.
32 : : *
33 : : * nAmount is of type uint64_t and thus cannot be negative. If you're passing in
34 : : * a CAmount (int64_t), make sure to properly handle the case where the amount
35 : : * is negative before calling CompressAmount(...).
36 : : *
37 : : * @pre Function defined only for 0 <= nAmount <= MAX_MONEY.
38 : : */
39 : : uint64_t CompressAmount(uint64_t nAmount);
40 : :
41 : : uint64_t DecompressAmount(uint64_t nAmount);
42 : :
43 : : /** Compact serializer for scripts.
44 : : *
45 : : * It detects common cases and encodes them much more efficiently.
46 : : * 3 special cases are defined:
47 : : * * Pay to pubkey hash (encoded as 21 bytes)
48 : : * * Pay to script hash (encoded as 21 bytes)
49 : : * * Pay to pubkey starting with 0x02, 0x03 or 0x04 (encoded as 33 bytes)
50 : : *
51 : : * Other scripts up to 121 bytes require 1 byte + script length. Above
52 : : * that, scripts up to 16505 bytes require 2 bytes + script length.
53 : : */
54 : : struct ScriptCompression
55 : : {
56 : : /**
57 : : * make this static for now (there are only 6 special scripts defined)
58 : : * this can potentially be extended together with a new version for
59 : : * transactions, in which case this value becomes dependent on version
60 : : * and nHeight of the enclosing transaction.
61 : : */
62 : : static const unsigned int nSpecialScripts = 6;
63 : :
64 : : template<typename Stream>
65 : 425106 : void Ser(Stream &s, const CScript& script) {
66 : 425106 : CompressedScript compr;
67 [ + - + + ]: 425106 : if (CompressScript(script, compr)) {
68 [ + - ]: 142560 : s << Span{compr};
69 : : return;
70 : : }
71 [ + + + - ]: 427590 : unsigned int nSize = script.size() + nSpecialScripts;
72 [ + + + + ]: 511157 : s << VARINT(nSize);
73 [ + - ]: 282546 : s << Span{script};
74 : 425106 : }
75 : :
76 : : template<typename Stream>
77 : 307120 : void Unser(Stream &s, CScript& script) {
78 : 307120 : unsigned int nSize = 0;
79 : 307120 : s >> VARINT(nSize);
80 [ + + ]: 307120 : if (nSize < nSpecialScripts) {
81 [ - + ]: 79656 : CompressedScript vch(GetSpecialScriptSize(nSize), 0x00);
82 [ + - ]: 79656 : s >> Span{vch};
83 [ + - ]: 79656 : DecompressScript(script, nSize, vch);
84 : : return;
85 : 79656 : }
86 : 227464 : nSize -= nSpecialScripts;
87 [ + + ]: 227464 : if (nSize > MAX_SCRIPT_SIZE) {
88 : : // Overly long script, replace with a short invalid one
89 : 1 : script << OP_RETURN;
90 : 1 : s.ignore(nSize);
91 : : } else {
92 [ + + ]: 227463 : script.resize(nSize);
93 : 227463 : s >> Span{script};
94 : : }
95 : : }
96 : : };
97 : :
98 : : struct AmountCompression
99 : : {
100 : 425106 : template<typename Stream, typename I> void Ser(Stream& s, I val)
101 : : {
102 : 425106 : s << VARINT(CompressAmount(val));
103 : 425106 : }
104 : 307120 : template<typename Stream, typename I> void Unser(Stream& s, I& val)
105 : : {
106 : : uint64_t v;
107 : 307120 : s >> VARINT(v);
108 : 307120 : val = DecompressAmount(v);
109 : 307120 : }
110 : : };
111 : :
112 : : /** wrapper for CTxOut that provides a more compact serialization */
113 : : struct TxOutCompression
114 : : {
115 : 1464452 : FORMATTER_METHODS(CTxOut, obj) { READWRITE(Using<AmountCompression>(obj.nValue), Using<ScriptCompression>(obj.scriptPubKey)); }
116 : : };
117 : :
118 : : #endif // BITCOIN_COMPRESSOR_H