LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/test/util - cluster_linearize.h (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 100.0 % 156 156
Test Date: 2025-02-22 04:11:21 Functions: 100.0 % 6 6
Branches: 75.8 % 236 179

             Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :             : // Copyright (c) The Bitcoin Core developers
       2                 :             : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
       3                 :             : // file COPYING or
       4                 :             : 
       5                 :             : #ifndef BITCOIN_TEST_UTIL_CLUSTER_LINEARIZE_H
       6                 :             : #define BITCOIN_TEST_UTIL_CLUSTER_LINEARIZE_H
       7                 :             : 
       8                 :             : #include <cluster_linearize.h>
       9                 :             : #include <serialize.h>
      10                 :             : #include <span.h>
      11                 :             : #include <streams.h>
      12                 :             : #include <util/bitset.h>
      13                 :             : #include <util/feefrac.h>
      14                 :             : 
      15                 :             : #include <stdint.h>
      16                 :             : #include <numeric>
      17                 :             : #include <vector>
      18                 :             : #include <utility>
      19                 :             : 
      20                 :             : namespace {
      21                 :             : 
      22                 :             : using namespace cluster_linearize;
      23                 :             : 
      24                 :             : using TestBitSet = BitSet<32>;
      25                 :             : 
      26                 :             : /** Check if a graph is acyclic. */
      27                 :             : template<typename SetType>
      28         [ +  + ]:        1032 : bool IsAcyclic(const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph) noexcept
      29                 :             : {
      30   [ +  +  +  + ]:       20809 :     for (ClusterIndex i : depgraph.Positions()) {
      31         [ +  + ]:       18805 :         if ((depgraph.Ancestors(i) & depgraph.Descendants(i)) != SetType::Singleton(i)) {
      32                 :             :             return false;
      33                 :             :         }
      34                 :             :     }
      35                 :             :     return true;
      36                 :             : }
      37                 :             : 
      38                 :             : /** A formatter for a bespoke serialization for acyclic DepGraph objects.
      39                 :             :  *
      40                 :             :  * The serialization format outputs information about transactions in a topological order (parents
      41                 :             :  * before children), together with position information so transactions can be moved back to their
      42                 :             :  * correct position on deserialization.
      43                 :             :  *
      44                 :             :  * - For each transaction t in the DepGraph (in some topological order);
      45                 :             :  *   - The size: VARINT(t.size), which cannot be 0.
      46                 :             :  *   - The fee: VARINT(SignedToUnsigned(t.fee)), see below for SignedToUnsigned.
      47                 :             :  *   - For each direct dependency:
      48                 :             :  *     - VARINT(skip)
      49                 :             :  *   - The position of t in the cluster: VARINT(skip)
      50                 :             :  * - The end of the graph: VARINT(0)
      51                 :             :  *
      52                 :             :  * The list of skip values encodes the dependencies of t, as well as its position in the cluster.
      53                 :             :  * Each skip value is the number of possibilities that were available, but were not taken. These
      54                 :             :  * possibilities are, in order:
      55                 :             :  * - For each previous transaction in the graph, in reverse serialization order, whether it is a
      56                 :             :  *   direct parent of t (but excluding transactions which are already implied to be dependencies
      57                 :             :  *   by parent relations that were serialized before it).
      58                 :             :  * - The various insertion positions in the cluster, from the very end of the cluster, to the
      59                 :             :  *   front.
      60                 :             :  * - The appending of 1, 2, 3, ... holes at the end of the cluster, followed by appending the new
      61                 :             :  *   transaction.
      62                 :             :  *
      63                 :             :  * Let's say you have a 7-transaction cluster, consisting of transactions F,A,C,B,_,G,E,_,D
      64                 :             :  * (where _ represent holes; unused positions within the DepGraph) but serialized in order
      65                 :             :  * A,B,C,D,E,F,G, because that happens to be a topological ordering. By the time G gets serialized,
      66                 :             :  * what has been serialized already represents the cluster F,A,C,B,_,E,_,D (in that order). G has B
      67                 :             :  * and E as direct parents, and E depends on C.
      68                 :             :  *
      69                 :             :  * In this case, the possibilities are, in order:
      70                 :             :  * - [ ] the dependency G->F
      71                 :             :  * - [X] the dependency G->E
      72                 :             :  * - [ ] the dependency G->D
      73                 :             :  * - [X] the dependency G->B
      74                 :             :  * - [ ] the dependency G->A
      75                 :             :  * - [ ] put G at the end of the cluster
      76                 :             :  * - [ ] put G before D
      77                 :             :  * - [ ] put G before the hole before D
      78                 :             :  * - [X] put G before E
      79                 :             :  * - [ ] put G before the hole before E
      80                 :             :  * - [ ] put G before B
      81                 :             :  * - [ ] put G before C
      82                 :             :  * - [ ] put G before A
      83                 :             :  * - [ ] put G before F
      84                 :             :  * - [ ] add 1 hole at the end of the cluster, followed by G
      85                 :             :  * - [ ] add 2 holes at the end of the cluster, followed by G
      86                 :             :  * - [ ] add ...
      87                 :             :  *
      88                 :             :  * The skip values in this case are 1 (G->F), 1 (G->D), 4 (G->A, G at end, G before D, G before
      89                 :             :  * hole). No skip after 4 is needed (or permitted), because there can only be one position for G.
      90                 :             :  * Also note that G->C is not included in the list of possibilities, as it is implied by the
      91                 :             :  * included G->E and E->C that came before it. On deserialization, if the last skip value was 8 or
      92                 :             :  * larger (putting G before the beginning of the cluster), it is interpreted as wrapping around
      93                 :             :  * back to the end.
      94                 :             :  *
      95                 :             :  *
      96                 :             :  * Rationale:
      97                 :             :  * - Why VARINTs? They are flexible enough to represent large numbers where needed, but more
      98                 :             :  *   compact for smaller numbers. The serialization format is designed so that simple structures
      99                 :             :  *   involve smaller numbers, so smaller size maps to simpler graphs.
     100                 :             :  * - Why use SignedToUnsigned? It results in small unsigned values for signed values with small
     101                 :             :  *   absolute value. This way we can encode negative fees in graphs, but still let small negative
     102                 :             :  *   numbers have small encodings.
     103                 :             :  * - Why are the parents emitted in reverse order compared to the transactions themselves? This
     104                 :             :  *   naturally lets us skip parents-of-parents, as they will be reflected as implied dependencies.
     105                 :             :  * - Why encode skip values and not a bitmask to convey the list positions? It turns out that the
     106                 :             :  *   most complex graphs (in terms of linearization complexity) are ones with ~1 dependency per
     107                 :             :  *   transaction. The current encoding uses ~1 byte per transaction for dependencies in this case,
     108                 :             :  *   while a bitmask would require ~N/2 bits per transaction.
     109                 :             :  */
     110                 :             : 
     111                 :             : struct DepGraphFormatter
     112                 :             : {
     113                 :             :     /** Convert x>=0 to 2x (even), x<0 to -2x-1 (odd). */
     114                 :       13776 :     [[maybe_unused]] static uint64_t SignedToUnsigned(int64_t x) noexcept
     115                 :             :     {
     116                 :       13776 :         if (x < 0) {
     117                 :        8174 :             return 2 * uint64_t(-(x + 1)) + 1;
     118                 :             :         } else {
     119                 :        5602 :             return 2 * uint64_t(x);
     120                 :             :         }
     121                 :             :     }
     122                 :             : 
     123                 :             :     /** Convert even x to x/2 (>=0), odd x to -(x/2)-1 (<0). */
     124                 :       94285 :     [[maybe_unused]] static int64_t UnsignedToSigned(uint64_t x) noexcept
     125                 :             :     {
     126                 :       94285 :         if (x & 1) {
     127                 :       50140 :             return -int64_t(x / 2) - 1;
     128                 :             :         } else {
     129                 :       44145 :             return int64_t(x / 2);
     130                 :             :         }
     131                 :             :     }
     132                 :             : 
     133                 :             :     template <typename Stream, typename SetType>
     134                 :         752 :     static void Ser(Stream& s, const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph)
     135                 :             :     {
     136                 :             :         /** Construct a topological order to serialize the transactions in. */
     137         [ +  - ]:         752 :         std::vector<ClusterIndex> topo_order;
     138         [ +  - ]:         752 :         topo_order.reserve(depgraph.TxCount());
     139   [ +  +  +  -  :       15254 :         for (auto i : depgraph.Positions()) topo_order.push_back(i);
                   +  + ]
     140                 :         752 :         std::sort(topo_order.begin(), topo_order.end(), [&](ClusterIndex a, ClusterIndex b) {
     141         [ +  + ]:       77283 :             auto anc_a = depgraph.Ancestors(a).Count(), anc_b = depgraph.Ancestors(b).Count();
     142         [ +  + ]:       77283 :             if (anc_a != anc_b) return anc_a < anc_b;
     143                 :       32039 :             return a < b;
     144                 :             :         });
     145                 :             : 
     146                 :             :         /** Which positions (incl. holes) the deserializer already knows when it has deserialized
     147                 :             :          *  what has been serialized here so far. */
     148                 :         752 :         SetType done;
     149                 :             : 
     150                 :             :         // Loop over the transactions in topological order.
     151         [ +  + ]:       14528 :         for (ClusterIndex topo_idx = 0; topo_idx < topo_order.size(); ++topo_idx) {
     152                 :             :             /** Which depgraph index we are currently writing. */
     153         [ +  - ]:       13776 :             ClusterIndex idx = topo_order[topo_idx];
     154                 :             :             // Write size, which must be larger than 0.
     155   [ +  -  +  + ]:       27552 :             s << VARINT_MODE(depgraph.FeeRate(idx).size, VarIntMode::NONNEGATIVE_SIGNED);
     156                 :             :             // Write fee, encoded as an unsigned varint (odd=negative, even=non-negative).
     157   [ +  +  +  - ]:       27552 :             s << VARINT(SignedToUnsigned(depgraph.FeeRate(idx).fee));
     158                 :             :             // Write dependency information.
     159                 :       13776 :             SetType written_parents;
     160                 :       13776 :             uint64_t diff = 0; //!< How many potential parent/child relations we have skipped over.
     161         [ +  + ]:      188223 :             for (ClusterIndex dep_dist = 0; dep_dist < topo_idx; ++dep_dist) {
     162                 :             :                 /** Which depgraph index we are currently considering as parent of idx. */
     163         [ +  + ]:      174447 :                 ClusterIndex dep_idx = topo_order[topo_idx - 1 - dep_dist];
     164                 :             :                 // Ignore transactions which are already known to be ancestors.
     165         [ +  + ]:      174447 :                 if (depgraph.Descendants(dep_idx).Overlaps(written_parents)) continue;
     166         [ +  + ]:      126431 :                 if (depgraph.Ancestors(idx)[dep_idx]) {
     167                 :             :                     // When an actual parent is encountered, encode how many non-parents were skipped
     168                 :             :                     // before it.
     169         [ +  - ]:       13820 :                     s << VARINT(diff);
     170                 :       13820 :                     diff = 0;
     171                 :       13820 :                     written_parents.Set(dep_idx);
     172                 :             :                 } else {
     173                 :             :                     // When a non-parent is encountered, increment the skip counter.
     174                 :      112611 :                     ++diff;
     175                 :             :                 }
     176                 :             :             }
     177                 :             :             // Write position information.
     178         [ +  + ]:       13776 :             auto add_holes = SetType::Fill(idx) - done - depgraph.Positions();
     179         [ +  + ]:       13776 :             if (add_holes.None()) {
     180                 :             :                 // The new transaction is to be inserted N positions back from the end of the
     181                 :             :                 // cluster. Emit N to indicate that that many insertion choices are skipped.
     182         [ +  - ]:       12528 :                 auto skips = (done - SetType::Fill(idx)).Count();
     183         [ +  - ]:       12528 :                 s << VARINT(diff + skips);
     184                 :             :             } else {
     185                 :             :                 // The new transaction is to be appended at the end of the cluster, after N holes.
     186                 :             :                 // Emit current_cluster_size + N, to indicate all insertion choices are skipped,
     187                 :             :                 // plus N possibilities for the number of holes.
     188         [ +  - ]:        2496 :                 s << VARINT(diff + done.Count() + add_holes.Count());
     189                 :        1248 :                 done |= add_holes;
     190                 :             :             }
     191                 :       13776 :             done.Set(idx);
     192                 :             :         }
     193                 :             : 
     194                 :             :         // Output a final 0 to denote the end of the graph.
     195         [ +  - ]:        1504 :         s << uint8_t{0};
     196                 :         752 :     }
     197                 :             : 
     198                 :             :     template <typename Stream, typename SetType>
     199                 :        4955 :     void Unser(Stream& s, DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph)
     200                 :             :     {
     201                 :             :         /** The dependency graph which we deserialize into first, with transactions in
     202                 :             :          *  topological serialization order, not original cluster order. */
     203                 :        4955 :         DepGraph<SetType> topo_depgraph;
     204                 :             :         /** Mapping from serialization order to cluster order, used later to reconstruct the
     205                 :             :          *  cluster order. */
     206                 :        4955 :         std::vector<ClusterIndex> reordering;
     207                 :             :         /** How big the entries vector in the reconstructed depgraph will be (including holes). */
     208                 :        4955 :         ClusterIndex total_size{0};
     209                 :             : 
     210                 :             :         // Read transactions in topological order.
     211                 :             :         while (true) {
     212                 :       98247 :             FeeFrac new_feerate; //!< The new transaction's fee and size.
     213                 :       98247 :             SetType new_ancestors; //!< The new transaction's ancestors (excluding itself).
     214                 :       98247 :             uint64_t diff{0}; //!< How many potential parents/insertions we have to skip.
     215         [ +  + ]:       98247 :             bool read_error{false};
     216                 :             :             try {
     217                 :             :                 // Read size. Size 0 signifies the end of the DepGraph.
     218                 :             :                 int32_t size;
     219         [ +  + ]:       98247 :                 s >> VARINT_MODE(size, VarIntMode::NONNEGATIVE_SIGNED);
     220                 :       96791 :                 size &= 0x3FFFFF; // Enough for size up to 4M.
     221                 :             :                 static_assert(0x3FFFFF >= 4000000);
     222   [ +  +  +  + ]:       96791 :                 if (size == 0 || topo_depgraph.TxCount() == SetType::Size()) break;
     223                 :             :                 // Read fee, encoded as an unsigned varint (odd=negative, even=non-negative).
     224                 :             :                 uint64_t coded_fee;
     225         [ +  + ]:       94582 :                 s >> VARINT(coded_fee);
     226                 :       94285 :                 coded_fee &= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF; // Enough for fee between -21M...21M BTC.
     227                 :             :                 static_assert(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF > uint64_t{2} * 21000000 * 100000000);
     228   [ +  +  +  + ]:      188570 :                 new_feerate = {UnsignedToSigned(coded_fee), size};
     229                 :             :                 // Read dependency information.
     230         [ +  + ]:       94285 :                 auto topo_idx = reordering.size();
     231         [ +  + ]:       94285 :                 s >> VARINT(diff);
     232         [ +  + ]:     1282700 :                 for (ClusterIndex dep_dist = 0; dep_dist < topo_idx; ++dep_dist) {
     233                 :             :                     /** Which topo_depgraph index we are currently considering as parent of topo_idx. */
     234                 :     1189408 :                     ClusterIndex dep_topo_idx = topo_idx - 1 - dep_dist;
     235                 :             :                     // Ignore transactions which are already known ancestors of topo_idx.
     236         [ +  + ]:     1189408 :                     if (new_ancestors[dep_topo_idx]) continue;
     237         [ +  + ]:      953769 :                     if (diff == 0) {
     238                 :             :                         // When the skip counter has reached 0, add an actual dependency.
     239         [ +  + ]:       76162 :                         new_ancestors |= topo_depgraph.Ancestors(dep_topo_idx);
     240                 :             :                         // And read the number of skips after it.
     241         [ +  + ]:     1265145 :                         s >> VARINT(diff);
     242                 :             :                     } else {
     243                 :             :                         // Otherwise, dep_topo_idx is not a parent. Decrement and continue.
     244                 :      877607 :                         --diff;
     245                 :             :                     }
     246                 :             :                 }
     247         [ -  + ]:        2746 :             } catch (const std::ios_base::failure&) {
     248                 :             :                 // Continue even if a read error was encountered.
     249                 :        2746 :                 read_error = true;
     250                 :             :             }
     251                 :             :             // Construct a new transaction whenever we made it past the new_feerate construction.
     252         [ +  + ]:       96038 :             if (new_feerate.IsEmpty()) break;
     253         [ -  + ]:       94285 :             assert(reordering.size() < SetType::Size());
     254                 :       94285 :             auto topo_idx = topo_depgraph.AddTransaction(new_feerate);
     255                 :       94285 :             topo_depgraph.AddDependencies(new_ancestors, topo_idx);
     256         [ +  + ]:       94285 :             if (total_size < SetType::Size()) {
     257                 :             :                 // Normal case.
     258                 :       54503 :                 diff %= SetType::Size();
     259         [ +  + ]:       54503 :                 if (diff <= total_size) {
     260                 :             :                     // Insert the new transaction at distance diff back from the end.
     261         [ +  + ]:      539900 :                     for (auto& pos : reordering) {
     262                 :      493780 :                         pos += (pos >= total_size - diff);
     263                 :             :                     }
     264         [ +  - ]:       46120 :                     reordering.push_back(total_size++ - diff);
     265                 :             :                 } else {
     266                 :             :                     // Append diff - total_size holes at the end, plus the new transaction.
     267                 :        8383 :                     total_size = diff;
     268         [ +  - ]:        8383 :                     reordering.push_back(total_size++);
     269                 :             :                 }
     270                 :             :             } else {
     271                 :             :                 // In case total_size == SetType::Size, it is not possible to insert the new
     272                 :             :                 // transaction without exceeding SetType's size. Instead, interpret diff as an
     273                 :             :                 // index into the holes, and overwrite a position there. This branch is never used
     274                 :             :                 // when deserializing the output of the serializer, but gives meaning to otherwise
     275                 :             :                 // invalid input.
     276                 :       39782 :                 diff %= (SetType::Size() - reordering.size());
     277                 :       39782 :                 SetType holes = SetType::Fill(SetType::Size());
     278         [ +  + ]:      723569 :                 for (auto pos : reordering) holes.Reset(pos);
     279   [ +  -  +  - ]:      306292 :                 for (auto pos : holes) {
     280         [ +  + ]:      266510 :                     if (diff == 0) {
     281         [ +  - ]:       39782 :                         reordering.push_back(pos);
     282                 :             :                         break;
     283                 :             :                     }
     284                 :      226728 :                     --diff;
     285                 :             :                 }
     286                 :             :             }
     287                 :             :             // Stop if a read error was encountered during deserialization.
     288         [ +  + ]:       94285 :             if (read_error) break;
     289                 :             :         }
     290                 :             : 
     291                 :             :         // Construct the original cluster order depgraph.
     292                 :        4955 :         depgraph = DepGraph(topo_depgraph, reordering, total_size);
     293                 :        4955 :     }
     294                 :             : };
     295                 :             : 
     296                 :             : /** Perform a sanity/consistency check on a DepGraph. */
     297                 :             : template<typename SetType>
     298                 :         779 : void SanityCheck(const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph)
     299                 :             : {
     300                 :             :     // Verify Positions and PositionRange consistency.
     301                 :         779 :     ClusterIndex num_positions{0};
     302         [ +  + ]:         779 :     ClusterIndex position_range{0};
     303   [ +  +  +  + ]:       15672 :     for (ClusterIndex i : depgraph.Positions()) {
     304                 :       14140 :         ++num_positions;
     305                 :       14140 :         position_range = i + 1;
     306                 :             :     }
     307         [ -  + ]:         779 :     assert(num_positions == depgraph.TxCount());
     308         [ -  + ]:         779 :     assert(position_range == depgraph.PositionRange());
     309         [ -  + ]:         779 :     assert(position_range >= num_positions);
     310         [ -  + ]:         779 :     assert(position_range <= SetType::Size());
     311                 :             :     // Consistency check between ancestors internally.
     312   [ +  +  +  + ]:       15672 :     for (ClusterIndex i : depgraph.Positions()) {
     313                 :             :         // Transactions include themselves as ancestors.
     314         [ -  + ]:       14140 :         assert(depgraph.Ancestors(i)[i]);
     315                 :             :         // If a is an ancestor of b, then b's ancestors must include all of a's ancestors.
     316   [ +  -  -  +  :      108016 :         for (auto a : depgraph.Ancestors(i)) {
                   +  + ]
     317         [ -  + ]:       79736 :             assert(depgraph.Ancestors(i).IsSupersetOf(depgraph.Ancestors(a)));
     318                 :             :         }
     319                 :             :     }
     320                 :             :     // Consistency check between ancestors and descendants.
     321   [ +  +  +  -  :       15672 :     for (ClusterIndex i : depgraph.Positions()) {
                   +  + ]
     322   [ +  -  +  + ]:      398908 :         for (ClusterIndex j : depgraph.Positions()) {
     323         [ -  + ]:      370628 :             assert(depgraph.Ancestors(i)[j] == depgraph.Descendants(j)[i]);
     324                 :             :         }
     325                 :             :         // No transaction is a parent or child of itself.
     326                 :       14140 :         auto parents = depgraph.GetReducedParents(i);
     327                 :       14140 :         auto children = depgraph.GetReducedChildren(i);
     328         [ -  + ]:       14140 :         assert(!parents[i]);
     329         [ -  + ]:       14140 :         assert(!children[i]);
     330                 :             :         // Parents of a transaction do not have ancestors inside those parents (except itself).
     331                 :             :         // Note that even the transaction itself may be missing (if it is part of a cycle).
     332   [ +  +  +  + ]:       35725 :         for (auto parent : parents) {
     333         [ -  + ]:       14008 :             assert((depgraph.Ancestors(parent) & parents).IsSubsetOf(SetType::Singleton(parent)));
     334                 :             :         }
     335                 :             :         // Similar for children and descendants.
     336   [ +  +  +  + ]:       38431 :         for (auto child : children) {
     337         [ -  + ]:       14137 :             assert((depgraph.Descendants(child) & children).IsSubsetOf(SetType::Singleton(child)));
     338                 :             :         }
     339                 :             :     }
     340         [ +  + ]:         779 :     if (IsAcyclic(depgraph)) {
     341                 :             :         // If DepGraph is acyclic, serialize + deserialize must roundtrip.
     342                 :         752 :         std::vector<unsigned char> ser;
     343         [ +  - ]:         752 :         VectorWriter writer(ser, 0);
     344   [ +  -  +  - ]:        1504 :         writer << Using<DepGraphFormatter>(depgraph);
     345         [ +  - ]:         752 :         SpanReader reader(ser);
     346         [ +  - ]:         752 :         DepGraph<TestBitSet> decoded_depgraph;
     347         [ +  - ]:         752 :         reader >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(decoded_depgraph);
     348         [ -  + ]:         752 :         assert(depgraph == decoded_depgraph);
     349         [ -  + ]:         752 :         assert(reader.empty());
     350                 :             :         // It must also deserialize correctly without the terminal 0 byte (as the deserializer
     351                 :             :         // will upon EOF still return what it read so far).
     352   [ +  -  -  + ]:         752 :         assert(ser.size() >= 1 && ser.back() == 0);
     353                 :         752 :         ser.pop_back();
     354                 :         752 :         reader = SpanReader{ser};
     355         [ +  - ]:         752 :         decoded_depgraph = {};
     356         [ +  - ]:         752 :         reader >> Using<DepGraphFormatter>(decoded_depgraph);
     357         [ -  + ]:         752 :         assert(depgraph == decoded_depgraph);
     358         [ -  + ]:         752 :         assert(reader.empty());
     359                 :             : 
     360                 :             :         // In acyclic graphs, the union of parents with parents of parents etc. yields the
     361                 :             :         // full ancestor set (and similar for children and descendants).
     362   [ +  -  +  - ]:         752 :         std::vector<SetType> parents(depgraph.PositionRange()), children(depgraph.PositionRange());
     363   [ +  +  +  + ]:       15254 :         for (ClusterIndex i : depgraph.Positions()) {
     364                 :       13776 :             parents[i] = depgraph.GetReducedParents(i);
     365                 :       13776 :             children[i] = depgraph.GetReducedChildren(i);
     366                 :             :         }
     367   [ +  +  +  + ]:       15254 :         for (auto i : depgraph.Positions()) {
     368                 :             :             // Initialize the set of ancestors with just the current transaction itself.
     369                 :       13776 :             SetType ancestors = SetType::Singleton(i);
     370                 :             :             // Iteratively add parents of all transactions in the ancestor set to itself.
     371                 :             :             while (true) {
     372                 :       51237 :                 const auto old_ancestors = ancestors;
     373   [ +  -  +  + ]:      431294 :                 for (auto j : ancestors) ancestors |= parents[j];
     374                 :             :                 // Stop when no more changes are being made.
     375         [ +  + ]:       51237 :                 if (old_ancestors == ancestors) break;
     376                 :             :             }
     377         [ +  - ]:       13776 :             assert(ancestors == depgraph.Ancestors(i));
     378                 :             : 
     379                 :             :             // Initialize the set of descendants with just the current transaction itself.
     380                 :       13776 :             SetType descendants = SetType::Singleton(i);
     381                 :             :             // Iteratively add children of all transactions in the descendant set to itself.
     382                 :             :             while (true) {
     383                 :       56716 :                 const auto old_descendants = descendants;
     384   [ +  -  +  + ]:      450872 :                 for (auto j : descendants) descendants |= children[j];
     385                 :             :                 // Stop when no more changes are being made.
     386         [ +  + ]:       56716 :                 if (old_descendants == descendants) break;
     387                 :             :             }
     388         [ -  + ]:       13776 :             assert(descendants == depgraph.Descendants(i));
     389                 :             :         }
     390                 :         752 :     }
     391                 :         779 : }
     392                 :             : 
     393                 :             : /** Perform a sanity check on a linearization. */
     394                 :             : template<typename SetType>
     395         [ -  + ]:        3492 : void SanityCheck(const DepGraph<SetType>& depgraph, Span<const ClusterIndex> linearization)
     396                 :             : {
     397                 :             :     // Check completeness.
     398         [ -  + ]:        3492 :     assert(linearization.size() == depgraph.TxCount());
     399                 :        3492 :     TestBitSet done;
     400         [ +  + ]:       76475 :     for (auto i : linearization) {
     401                 :             :         // Check transaction position is in range.
     402         [ -  + ]:       72983 :         assert(depgraph.Positions()[i]);
     403                 :             :         // Check topology and lack of duplicates.
     404         [ +  - ]:       72983 :         assert((depgraph.Ancestors(i) - done) == TestBitSet::Singleton(i));
     405                 :       72983 :         done.Set(i);
     406                 :             :     }
     407                 :        3492 : }
     408                 :             : 
     409                 :             : } // namespace
     410                 :             : 
     411                 :             : #endif // BITCOIN_TEST_UTIL_CLUSTER_LINEARIZE_H

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