LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/policy - policy.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 98.4 % 123 121
Test Date: 2024-12-04 04:00:22 Functions: 100.0 % 10 10
Branches: 89.9 % 148 133

             Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :             : // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
       2                 :             : // Copyright (c) 2009-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
       3                 :             : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
       4                 :             : // file COPYING or
       5                 :             : 
       6                 :             : // NOTE: This file is intended to be customised by the end user, and includes only local node policy logic
       7                 :             : 
       8                 :             : #include <policy/policy.h>
       9                 :             : 
      10                 :             : #include <coins.h>
      11                 :             : #include <consensus/amount.h>
      12                 :             : #include <consensus/consensus.h>
      13                 :             : #include <consensus/validation.h>
      14                 :             : #include <policy/feerate.h>
      15                 :             : #include <primitives/transaction.h>
      16                 :             : #include <script/interpreter.h>
      17                 :             : #include <script/script.h>
      18                 :             : #include <script/solver.h>
      19                 :             : #include <serialize.h>
      20                 :             : #include <span.h>
      21                 :             : 
      22                 :             : #include <algorithm>
      23                 :             : #include <cstddef>
      24                 :             : #include <vector>
      25                 :             : 
      26                 :    13978943 : CAmount GetDustThreshold(const CTxOut& txout, const CFeeRate& dustRelayFeeIn)
      27                 :             : {
      28                 :             :     // "Dust" is defined in terms of dustRelayFee,
      29                 :             :     // which has units satoshis-per-kilobyte.
      30                 :             :     // If you'd pay more in fees than the value of the output
      31                 :             :     // to spend something, then we consider it dust.
      32                 :             :     // A typical spendable non-segwit txout is 34 bytes big, and will
      33                 :             :     // need a CTxIn of at least 148 bytes to spend:
      34                 :             :     // so dust is a spendable txout less than
      35                 :             :     // 182*dustRelayFee/1000 (in satoshis).
      36                 :             :     // 546 satoshis at the default rate of 3000 sat/kvB.
      37                 :             :     // A typical spendable segwit P2WPKH txout is 31 bytes big, and will
      38                 :             :     // need a CTxIn of at least 67 bytes to spend:
      39                 :             :     // so dust is a spendable txout less than
      40                 :             :     // 98*dustRelayFee/1000 (in satoshis).
      41                 :             :     // 294 satoshis at the default rate of 3000 sat/kvB.
      42         [ +  + ]:    13978943 :     if (txout.scriptPubKey.IsUnspendable())
      43                 :             :         return 0;
      44                 :             : 
      45                 :    13966694 :     size_t nSize = GetSerializeSize(txout);
      46                 :    13966694 :     int witnessversion = 0;
      47                 :    13966694 :     std::vector<unsigned char> witnessprogram;
      48                 :             : 
      49                 :             :     // Note this computation is for spending a Segwit v0 P2WPKH output (a 33 bytes
      50                 :             :     // public key + an ECDSA signature). For Segwit v1 Taproot outputs the minimum
      51                 :             :     // satisfaction is lower (a single BIP340 signature) but this computation was
      52                 :             :     // kept to not further reduce the dust level.
      53                 :             :     // See discussion in for details.
      54   [ +  -  +  + ]:    13966694 :     if (txout.scriptPubKey.IsWitnessProgram(witnessversion, witnessprogram)) {
      55                 :             :         // sum the sizes of the parts of a transaction input
      56                 :             :         // with 75% segwit discount applied to the script size.
      57                 :    13799395 :         nSize += (32 + 4 + 1 + (107 / WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR) + 4);
      58                 :             :     } else {
      59                 :      167299 :         nSize += (32 + 4 + 1 + 107 + 4); // the 148 mentioned above
      60                 :             :     }
      61                 :             : 
      62         [ +  - ]:    13966694 :     return dustRelayFeeIn.GetFee(nSize);
      63                 :    13966694 : }
      64                 :             : 
      65                 :    13942199 : bool IsDust(const CTxOut& txout, const CFeeRate& dustRelayFeeIn)
      66                 :             : {
      67                 :    13942199 :     return (txout.nValue < GetDustThreshold(txout, dustRelayFeeIn));
      68                 :             : }
      69                 :             : 
      70                 :     3763249 : std::vector<uint32_t> GetDust(const CTransaction& tx, CFeeRate dust_relay_rate)
      71                 :             : {
      72                 :     3763249 :     std::vector<uint32_t> dust_outputs;
      73         [ +  + ]:    16690019 :     for (uint32_t i{0}; i < tx.vout.size(); ++i) {
      74   [ +  -  +  +  :    12926770 :         if (IsDust(tx.vout[i], dust_relay_rate)) dust_outputs.push_back(i);
                   +  - ]
      75                 :             :     }
      76                 :     3763249 :     return dust_outputs;
      77                 :           0 : }
      78                 :             : 
      79                 :     4196065 : bool IsStandard(const CScript& scriptPubKey, const std::optional<unsigned>& max_datacarrier_bytes, TxoutType& whichType)
      80                 :             : {
      81                 :     4196065 :     std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vSolutions;
      82         [ +  - ]:     4196065 :     whichType = Solver(scriptPubKey, vSolutions);
      83                 :             : 
      84         [ +  + ]:     4196065 :     if (whichType == TxoutType::NONSTANDARD) {
      85                 :             :         return false;
      86         [ +  + ]:     4172448 :     } else if (whichType == TxoutType::MULTISIG) {
      87         [ +  + ]:        1283 :         unsigned char m = vSolutions.front()[0];
      88                 :        1283 :         unsigned char n = vSolutions.back()[0];
      89                 :             :         // Support up to x-of-3 multisig txns as standard
      90         [ +  + ]:        1283 :         if (n < 1 || n > 3)
      91                 :             :             return false;
      92         [ -  + ]:        1144 :         if (m < 1 || m > n)
      93                 :           0 :             return false;
      94         [ +  + ]:     4171165 :     } else if (whichType == TxoutType::NULL_DATA) {
      95   [ +  +  +  +  :        7161 :         if (!max_datacarrier_bytes || scriptPubKey.size() > *max_datacarrier_bytes) {
                   +  + ]
      96                 :         199 :             return false;
      97                 :             :         }
      98                 :             :     }
      99                 :             : 
     100                 :             :     return true;
     101                 :     4196065 : }
     102                 :             : 
     103                 :      414475 : bool IsStandardTx(const CTransaction& tx, const std::optional<unsigned>& max_datacarrier_bytes, bool permit_bare_multisig, const CFeeRate& dust_relay_fee, std::string& reason)
     104                 :             : {
     105         [ +  + ]:      414475 :     if (tx.version > TX_MAX_STANDARD_VERSION || tx.version < 1) {
     106                 :       12981 :         reason = "version";
     107                 :       12981 :         return false;
     108                 :             :     }
     109                 :             : 
     110                 :             :     // Extremely large transactions with lots of inputs can cost the network
     111                 :             :     // almost as much to process as they cost the sender in fees, because
     112                 :             :     // computing signature hashes is O(ninputs*txsize). Limiting transactions
     113                 :             :     // to MAX_STANDARD_TX_WEIGHT mitigates CPU exhaustion attacks.
     114                 :      401494 :     unsigned int sz = GetTransactionWeight(tx);
     115         [ +  + ]:      401494 :     if (sz > MAX_STANDARD_TX_WEIGHT) {
     116                 :         734 :         reason = "tx-size";
     117                 :         734 :         return false;
     118                 :             :     }
     119                 :             : 
     120         [ +  + ]:     2925257 :     for (const CTxIn& txin :
     121                 :             :     {
     122                 :             :         // Biggest 'standard' txin involving only keys is a 15-of-15 P2SH
     123                 :             :         // multisig with compressed keys (remember the MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE byte limit on
     124                 :             :         // redeemScript size). That works out to a (15*(33+1))+3=513 byte
     125                 :             :         // redeemScript, 513+1+15*(73+1)+3=1627 bytes of scriptSig, which
     126                 :             :         // we round off to 1650(MAX_STANDARD_SCRIPTSIG_SIZE) bytes for
     127                 :             :         // some minor future-proofing. That's also enough to spend a
     128                 :             :         // 20-of-20 CHECKMULTISIG scriptPubKey, though such a scriptPubKey
     129                 :             :         // is not considered standard.
     130   [ +  +  +  + ]:     2528596 :         if (txin.scriptSig.size() > MAX_STANDARD_SCRIPTSIG_SIZE) {
     131                 :         100 :             reason = "scriptsig-size";
     132                 :         100 :             return false;
     133                 :             :         }
     134         [ +  + ]:     2528496 :         if (!txin.scriptSig.IsPushOnly()) {
     135                 :        3999 :             reason = "scriptsig-not-pushonly";
     136                 :        3999 :             return false;
     137                 :             :         }
     138                 :             :     }
     139                 :             : 
     140                 :      396661 :     unsigned int nDataOut = 0;
     141                 :      396661 :     TxoutType whichType;
     142         [ +  + ]:     4567443 :     for (const CTxOut& txout : tx.vout) {
     143         [ +  + ]:     4194100 :         if (!::IsStandard(txout.scriptPubKey, max_datacarrier_bytes, whichType)) {
     144                 :       23106 :             reason = "scriptpubkey";
     145                 :       23106 :             return false;
     146                 :             :         }
     147                 :             : 
     148         [ +  + ]:     4170994 :         if (whichType == TxoutType::NULL_DATA)
     149                 :        6054 :             nDataOut++;
     150   [ +  +  +  + ]:     4164940 :         else if ((whichType == TxoutType::MULTISIG) && (!permit_bare_multisig)) {
     151                 :         212 :             reason = "bare-multisig";
     152                 :         212 :             return false;
     153                 :             :         }
     154                 :             :     }
     155                 :             : 
     156                 :             :     // Only MAX_DUST_OUTPUTS_PER_TX dust is permitted(on otherwise valid ephemeral dust)
     157         [ +  + ]:      373343 :     if (GetDust(tx, dust_relay_fee).size() > MAX_DUST_OUTPUTS_PER_TX) {
     158                 :         749 :         reason = "dust";
     159                 :         749 :         return false;
     160                 :             :     }
     161                 :             : 
     162                 :             :     // only one OP_RETURN txout is permitted
     163         [ +  + ]:      372594 :     if (nDataOut > 1) {
     164                 :         116 :         reason = "multi-op-return";
     165                 :         116 :         return false;
     166                 :             :     }
     167                 :             : 
     168                 :             :     return true;
     169                 :             : }
     170                 :             : 
     171                 :             : /**
     172                 :             :  * Check transaction inputs to mitigate two
     173                 :             :  * potential denial-of-service attacks:
     174                 :             :  *
     175                 :             :  * 1. scriptSigs with extra data stuffed into them,
     176                 :             :  *    not consumed by scriptPubKey (or P2SH script)
     177                 :             :  * 2. P2SH scripts with a crazy number of expensive
     178                 :             :  *    CHECKSIG/CHECKMULTISIG operations
     179                 :             :  *
     180                 :             :  * Why bother? To avoid denial-of-service attacks; an attacker
     181                 :             :  * can submit a standard HASH... OP_EQUAL transaction,
     182                 :             :  * which will get accepted into blocks. The redemption
     183                 :             :  * script can be anything; an attacker could use a very
     184                 :             :  * expensive-to-check-upon-redemption script like:
     185                 :             :  *   DUP CHECKSIG DROP ... repeated 100 times... OP_1
     186                 :             :  *
     187                 :             :  * Note that only the non-witness portion of the transaction is checked here.
     188                 :             :  */
     189                 :      205491 : bool AreInputsStandard(const CTransaction& tx, const CCoinsViewCache& mapInputs)
     190                 :             : {
     191         [ +  + ]:      205491 :     if (tx.IsCoinBase()) {
     192                 :             :         return true; // Coinbases don't use vin normally
     193                 :             :     }
     194                 :             : 
     195         [ +  + ]:     1234688 :     for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++) {
     196                 :     1031111 :         const CTxOut& prev = mapInputs.AccessCoin([i].prevout).out;
     197                 :             : 
     198                 :     1031111 :         std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > vSolutions;
     199         [ +  - ]:     1031111 :         TxoutType whichType = Solver(prev.scriptPubKey, vSolutions);
     200         [ +  + ]:     1031111 :         if (whichType == TxoutType::NONSTANDARD || whichType == TxoutType::WITNESS_UNKNOWN) {
     201                 :             :             // WITNESS_UNKNOWN failures are typically also caught with a policy
     202                 :             :             // flag in the script interpreter, but it can be helpful to catch
     203                 :             :             // this type of NONSTANDARD transaction earlier in transaction
     204                 :             :             // validation.
     205                 :             :             return false;
     206         [ +  + ]:     1029746 :         } else if (whichType == TxoutType::SCRIPTHASH) {
     207                 :        1347 :             std::vector<std::vector<unsigned char> > stack;
     208                 :             :             // convert the scriptSig into a stack, so we can inspect the redeemScript
     209   [ +  -  +  + ]:        1347 :             if (!EvalScript(stack,[i].scriptSig, SCRIPT_VERIFY_NONE, BaseSignatureChecker(), SigVersion::BASE))
     210                 :             :                 return false;
     211         [ +  + ]:         833 :             if (stack.empty())
     212                 :             :                 return false;
     213                 :         830 :             CScript subscript(stack.back().begin(), stack.back().end());
     214   [ +  -  +  + ]:         830 :             if (subscript.GetSigOpCount(true) > MAX_P2SH_SIGOPS) {
     215                 :          17 :                 return false;
     216                 :             :             }
     217                 :        1347 :         }
     218                 :     1031111 :     }
     219                 :             : 
     220                 :             :     return true;
     221                 :             : }
     222                 :             : 
     223                 :      202850 : bool IsWitnessStandard(const CTransaction& tx, const CCoinsViewCache& mapInputs)
     224                 :             : {
     225         [ +  + ]:      202850 :     if (tx.IsCoinBase())
     226                 :             :         return true; // Coinbases are skipped
     227                 :             : 
     228         [ +  + ]:     1296360 :     for (unsigned int i = 0; i <; i++)
     229                 :             :     {
     230                 :             :         // We don't care if witness for this input is empty, since it must not be bloated.
     231                 :             :         // If the script is invalid without witness, it would be caught sooner or later during validation.
     232         [ +  + ]:     1094756 :         if ([i].scriptWitness.IsNull())
     233                 :       70513 :             continue;
     234                 :             : 
     235                 :     1024243 :         const CTxOut &prev = mapInputs.AccessCoin([i].prevout).out;
     236                 :             : 
     237                 :             :         // get the scriptPubKey corresponding to this input:
     238                 :     1024243 :         CScript prevScript = prev.scriptPubKey;
     239                 :             : 
     240                 :             :         // witness stuffing detected
     241   [ +  -  +  + ]:     1024243 :         if (prevScript.IsPayToAnchor()) {
     242                 :             :             return false;
     243                 :             :         }
     244                 :             : 
     245                 :     1024242 :         bool p2sh = false;
     246   [ +  -  +  + ]:     1024242 :         if (prevScript.IsPayToScriptHash()) {
     247                 :          30 :             std::vector <std::vector<unsigned char> > stack;
     248                 :             :             // If the scriptPubKey is P2SH, we try to extract the redeemScript casually by converting the scriptSig
     249                 :             :             // into a stack. We do not check IsPushOnly nor compare the hash as these will be done later anyway.
     250                 :             :             // If the check fails at this stage, we know that this txid must be a bad one.
     251   [ +  -  +  + ]:          30 :             if (!EvalScript(stack,[i].scriptSig, SCRIPT_VERIFY_NONE, BaseSignatureChecker(), SigVersion::BASE))
     252                 :             :                 return false;
     253         [ +  + ]:          19 :             if (stack.empty())
     254                 :             :                 return false;
     255                 :          18 :             prevScript = CScript(stack.back().begin(), stack.back().end());
     256                 :          18 :             p2sh = true;
     257                 :          30 :         }
     258                 :             : 
     259                 :     1024230 :         int witnessversion = 0;
     260                 :     1024230 :         std::vector<unsigned char> witnessprogram;
     261                 :             : 
     262                 :             :         // Non-witness program must not be associated with any witness
     263   [ +  -  +  + ]:     1024230 :         if (!prevScript.IsWitnessProgram(witnessversion, witnessprogram))
     264                 :             :             return false;
     265                 :             : 
     266                 :             :         // Check P2WSH standard limits
     267   [ +  +  +  + ]:     1023474 :         if (witnessversion == 0 && witnessprogram.size() == WITNESS_V0_SCRIPTHASH_SIZE) {
     268         [ +  + ]:     1021668 :             if ([i].scriptWitness.stack.back().size() > MAX_STANDARD_P2WSH_SCRIPT_SIZE)
     269                 :             :                 return false;
     270         [ +  + ]:     1021639 :             size_t sizeWitnessStack =[i].scriptWitness.stack.size() - 1;
     271         [ +  + ]:     1021639 :             if (sizeWitnessStack > MAX_STANDARD_P2WSH_STACK_ITEMS)
     272                 :             :                 return false;
     273         [ +  + ]:     1323640 :             for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sizeWitnessStack; j++) {
     274         [ +  + ]:      302425 :                 if ([i].scriptWitness.stack[j].size() > MAX_STANDARD_P2WSH_STACK_ITEM_SIZE)
     275                 :             :                     return false;
     276                 :             :             }
     277                 :             :         }
     278                 :             : 
     279                 :             :         // Check policy limits for Taproot spends:
     280                 :             :         // - MAX_STANDARD_TAPSCRIPT_STACK_ITEM_SIZE limit for stack item size
     281                 :             :         // - No annexes
     282   [ +  +  +  +  :     1023021 :         if (witnessversion == 1 && witnessprogram.size() == WITNESS_V1_TAPROOT_SIZE && !p2sh) {
                   +  - ]
     283                 :             :             // Taproot spend (non-P2SH-wrapped, version 1, witness program size 32; see BIP 341)
     284         [ +  + ]:         842 :             Span stack{[i].scriptWitness.stack};
     285   [ +  +  +  +  :         842 :             if (stack.size() >= 2 && !stack.back().empty() && stack.back()[0] == ANNEX_TAG) {
                   +  + ]
     286                 :             :                 // Annexes are nonstandard as long as no semantics are defined for them.
     287                 :             :                 return false;
     288                 :             :             }
     289         [ +  + ]:         840 :             if (stack.size() >= 2) {
     290                 :             :                 // Script path spend (2 or more stack elements after removing optional annex)
     291                 :         289 :                 const auto& control_block = SpanPopBack(stack);
     292                 :         289 :                 SpanPopBack(stack); // Ignore script
     293         [ +  + ]:         289 :                 if (control_block.empty()) return false; // Empty control block is invalid
     294         [ +  + ]:         288 :                 if ((control_block[0] & TAPROOT_LEAF_MASK) == TAPROOT_LEAF_TAPSCRIPT) {
     295                 :             :                     // Leaf version 0xc0 (aka Tapscript, see BIP 342)
     296         [ +  + ]:         366 :                     for (const auto& item : stack) {
     297         [ +  + ]:         338 :                         if (item.size() > MAX_STANDARD_TAPSCRIPT_STACK_ITEM_SIZE) return false;
     298                 :             :                     }
     299                 :             :                 }
     300         [ +  - ]:         551 :             } else if (stack.size() == 1) {
     301                 :             :                 // Key path spend (1 stack element after removing optional annex)
     302                 :             :                 // (no policy rules apply)
     303                 :             :             } else {
     304                 :             :                 // 0 stack elements; this is already invalid by consensus rules
     305                 :             :                 return false;
     306                 :             :             }
     307                 :             :         }
     308                 :     1025461 :     }
     309                 :             :     return true;
     310                 :             : }
     311                 :             : 
     312                 :   650690845 : int64_t GetVirtualTransactionSize(int64_t nWeight, int64_t nSigOpCost, unsigned int bytes_per_sigop)
     313                 :             : {
     314         [ +  + ]:   650690845 :     return (std::max(nWeight, nSigOpCost * bytes_per_sigop) + WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR - 1) / WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR;
     315                 :             : }
     316                 :             : 
     317                 :      122870 : int64_t GetVirtualTransactionSize(const CTransaction& tx, int64_t nSigOpCost, unsigned int bytes_per_sigop)
     318                 :             : {
     319                 :      122870 :     return GetVirtualTransactionSize(GetTransactionWeight(tx), nSigOpCost, bytes_per_sigop);
     320                 :             : }
     321                 :             : 
     322                 :          66 : int64_t GetVirtualTransactionInputSize(const CTxIn& txin, int64_t nSigOpCost, unsigned int bytes_per_sigop)
     323                 :             : {
     324                 :          66 :     return GetVirtualTransactionSize(GetTransactionInputWeight(txin), nSigOpCost, bytes_per_sigop);
     325                 :             : }

Generated by: LCOV version 2.0-1