Branch data Line data Source code
1 : : // Copyright (c) 2021-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
2 : : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3 : : // file COPYING or
4 : :
7 : :
8 : : #include <consensus/consensus.h>
9 : : #include <consensus/validation.h>
10 : : #include <policy/policy.h>
11 : : #include <primitives/transaction.h>
12 : : #include <util/hasher.h>
13 : :
14 : : #include <cstdint>
15 : : #include <unordered_set>
16 : : #include <vector>
17 : :
18 : : /** Default maximum number of transactions in a package. */
19 : : static constexpr uint32_t MAX_PACKAGE_COUNT{25};
20 : : /** Default maximum total weight of transactions in a package in weight
21 : : to allow for context-less checks. This must allow a superset of sigops
22 : : weighted vsize limited transactions to not disallow transactions we would
23 : : have otherwise accepted individually. */
24 : : static constexpr uint32_t MAX_PACKAGE_WEIGHT = 404'000;
26 : :
27 : : // If a package is to be evaluated, it must be at least as large as the mempool's ancestor/descendant limits,
28 : : // otherwise transactions that would be individually accepted may be rejected in a package erroneously.
29 : : // Since a submitted package must be child-with-unconfirmed-parents (all of the transactions are an ancestor
30 : : // of the child), package limits are ultimately bounded by mempool package limits. Ensure that the
31 : : // defaults reflect this constraint.
36 : :
37 : : /** A "reason" why a package was invalid. It may be that one or more of the included
38 : : * transactions is invalid or the package itself violates our rules.
39 : : * We don't distinguish between consensus and policy violations right now.
40 : : */
41 : : enum class PackageValidationResult {
42 : : PCKG_RESULT_UNSET = 0, //!< Initial value. The package has not yet been rejected.
43 : : PCKG_POLICY, //!< The package itself is invalid (e.g. too many transactions).
44 : : PCKG_TX, //!< At least one tx is invalid.
45 : : PCKG_MEMPOOL_ERROR, //!< Mempool logic error.
46 : : };
47 : :
48 : : /** A package is an ordered list of transactions. The transactions cannot conflict with (spend the
49 : : * same inputs as) one another. */
50 : : using Package = std::vector<CTransactionRef>;
51 : :
52 [ + - # # : 2414381 : class PackageValidationState : public ValidationState<PackageValidationResult> {};
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53 : :
54 : : /** If any direct dependencies exist between transactions (i.e. a child spending the output of a
55 : : * parent), checks that all parents appear somewhere in the list before their respective children.
56 : : * No other ordering is enforced. This function cannot detect indirect dependencies (e.g. a
57 : : * transaction's grandparent if its parent is not present).
58 : : * @returns true if sorted. False if any tx spends the output of a tx that appears later in txns.
59 : : */
60 : : bool IsTopoSortedPackage(const Package& txns);
61 : :
62 : : /** Checks that these transactions don't conflict, i.e., spend the same prevout. This includes
63 : : * checking that there are no duplicate transactions. Since these checks require looking at the inputs
64 : : * of a transaction, returns false immediately if any transactions have empty vin.
65 : : *
66 : : * Does not check consistency of a transaction with oneself; does not check if a transaction spends
67 : : * the same prevout multiple times (see bad-txns-inputs-duplicate in CheckTransaction()).
68 : : *
69 : : * @returns true if there are no conflicts. False if any two transactions spend the same prevout.
70 : : * */
71 : : bool IsConsistentPackage(const Package& txns);
72 : :
73 : : /** Context-free package policy checks:
74 : : * 1. The number of transactions cannot exceed MAX_PACKAGE_COUNT.
75 : : * 2. The total weight cannot exceed MAX_PACKAGE_WEIGHT.
76 : : * 3. If any dependencies exist between transactions, parents must appear before children.
77 : : * 4. Transactions cannot conflict, i.e., spend the same inputs.
78 : : */
79 : : bool IsWellFormedPackage(const Package& txns, PackageValidationState& state, bool require_sorted);
80 : :
81 : : /** Context-free check that a package is exactly one child and its parents; not all parents need to
82 : : * be present, but the package must not contain any transactions that are not the child's parents.
83 : : * It is expected to be sorted, which means the last transaction must be the child.
84 : : */
85 : : bool IsChildWithParents(const Package& package);
86 : :
87 : : /** Context-free check that a package IsChildWithParents() and none of the parents depend on each
88 : : * other (the package is a "tree").
89 : : */
90 : : bool IsChildWithParentsTree(const Package& package);
91 : :
92 : : /** Get the hash of these transactions' wtxids, concatenated in lexicographical order (treating the
93 : : * wtxids as little endian encoded uint256, smallest to largest). */
94 : : uint256 GetPackageHash(const std::vector<CTransactionRef>& transactions);
95 : :