LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/policy - fees.h Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 100.0 % 3 3
Test Date: 2025-02-22 04:11:21 Functions: - 0 0

            Line data    Source code
       1              : // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Satoshi Nakamoto
       2              : // Copyright (c) 2009-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
       3              : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
       4              : // file COPYING or
       5              : #ifndef BITCOIN_POLICY_FEES_H
       6              : #define BITCOIN_POLICY_FEES_H
       7              : 
       8              : #include <consensus/amount.h>
       9              : #include <policy/feerate.h>
      10              : #include <random.h>
      11              : #include <sync.h>
      12              : #include <threadsafety.h>
      13              : #include <uint256.h>
      14              : #include <util/fs.h>
      15              : #include <validationinterface.h>
      16              : 
      17              : #include <array>
      18              : #include <chrono>
      19              : #include <map>
      20              : #include <memory>
      21              : #include <set>
      22              : #include <string>
      23              : #include <vector>
      24              : 
      25              : 
      26              : // How often to flush fee estimates to fee_estimates.dat.
      27              : static constexpr std::chrono::hours FEE_FLUSH_INTERVAL{1};
      28              : 
      29              : /** fee_estimates.dat that are more than 60 hours (2.5 days) old will not be read,
      30              :  * as fee estimates are based on historical data and may be inaccurate if
      31              :  * network activity has changed.
      32              :  */
      33              : static constexpr std::chrono::hours MAX_FILE_AGE{60};
      34              : 
      35              : // Whether we allow importing a fee_estimates file older than MAX_FILE_AGE.
      36              : static constexpr bool DEFAULT_ACCEPT_STALE_FEE_ESTIMATES{false};
      37              : 
      38              : class AutoFile;
      39              : class TxConfirmStats;
      40              : struct RemovedMempoolTransactionInfo;
      41              : struct NewMempoolTransactionInfo;
      42              : 
      43              : /* Identifier for each of the 3 different TxConfirmStats which will track
      44              :  * history over different time horizons. */
      45              : enum class FeeEstimateHorizon {
      46              :     SHORT_HALFLIFE,
      47              :     MED_HALFLIFE,
      48              :     LONG_HALFLIFE,
      49              : };
      50              : 
      51              : static constexpr auto ALL_FEE_ESTIMATE_HORIZONS = std::array{
      52              :     FeeEstimateHorizon::SHORT_HALFLIFE,
      53              :     FeeEstimateHorizon::MED_HALFLIFE,
      54              :     FeeEstimateHorizon::LONG_HALFLIFE,
      55              : };
      56              : 
      57              : std::string StringForFeeEstimateHorizon(FeeEstimateHorizon horizon);
      58              : 
      59              : /* Enumeration of reason for returned fee estimate */
      60              : enum class FeeReason {
      61              :     NONE,
      62              :     HALF_ESTIMATE,
      63              :     FULL_ESTIMATE,
      64              :     DOUBLE_ESTIMATE,
      65              :     CONSERVATIVE,
      66              :     MEMPOOL_MIN,
      67              :     PAYTXFEE,
      68              :     FALLBACK,
      69              :     REQUIRED,
      70              : };
      71              : 
      72              : /* Used to return detailed information about a feerate bucket */
      73          412 : struct EstimatorBucket
      74              : {
      75              :     double start = -1;
      76              :     double end = -1;
      77              :     double withinTarget = 0;
      78              :     double totalConfirmed = 0;
      79              :     double inMempool = 0;
      80              :     double leftMempool = 0;
      81              : };
      82              : 
      83              : /* Used to return detailed information about a fee estimate calculation */
      84              : struct EstimationResult
      85              : {
      86              :     EstimatorBucket pass;
      87              :     EstimatorBucket fail;
      88              :     double decay = 0;
      89              :     unsigned int scale = 0;
      90              : };
      91              : 
      92              : struct FeeCalculation
      93              : {
      94              :     EstimationResult est;
      95              :     FeeReason reason = FeeReason::NONE;
      96              :     int desiredTarget = 0;
      97              :     int returnedTarget = 0;
      98              : };
      99              : 
     100              : /** \class CBlockPolicyEstimator
     101              :  * The BlockPolicyEstimator is used for estimating the feerate needed
     102              :  * for a transaction to be included in a block within a certain number of
     103              :  * blocks.
     104              :  *
     105              :  * At a high level the algorithm works by grouping transactions into buckets
     106              :  * based on having similar feerates and then tracking how long it
     107              :  * takes transactions in the various buckets to be mined.  It operates under
     108              :  * the assumption that in general transactions of higher feerate will be
     109              :  * included in blocks before transactions of lower feerate.   So for
     110              :  * example if you wanted to know what feerate you should put on a transaction to
     111              :  * be included in a block within the next 5 blocks, you would start by looking
     112              :  * at the bucket with the highest feerate transactions and verifying that a
     113              :  * sufficiently high percentage of them were confirmed within 5 blocks and
     114              :  * then you would look at the next highest feerate bucket, and so on, stopping at
     115              :  * the last bucket to pass the test.   The average feerate of transactions in this
     116              :  * bucket will give you an indication of the lowest feerate you can put on a
     117              :  * transaction and still have a sufficiently high chance of being confirmed
     118              :  * within your desired 5 blocks.
     119              :  *
     120              :  * Here is a brief description of the implementation:
     121              :  * When a transaction enters the mempool, we track the height of the block chain
     122              :  * at entry.  All further calculations are conducted only on this set of "seen"
     123              :  * transactions. Whenever a block comes in, we count the number of transactions
     124              :  * in each bucket and the total amount of feerate paid in each bucket. Then we
     125              :  * calculate how many blocks Y it took each transaction to be mined.  We convert
     126              :  * from a number of blocks to a number of periods Y' each encompassing "scale"
     127              :  * blocks.  This is tracked in 3 different data sets each up to a maximum
     128              :  * number of periods. Within each data set we have an array of counters in each
     129              :  * feerate bucket and we increment all the counters from Y' up to max periods
     130              :  * representing that a tx was successfully confirmed in less than or equal to
     131              :  * that many periods. We want to save a history of this information, so at any
     132              :  * time we have a counter of the total number of transactions that happened in a
     133              :  * given feerate bucket and the total number that were confirmed in each of the
     134              :  * periods or less for any bucket.  We save this history by keeping an
     135              :  * exponentially decaying moving average of each one of these stats.  This is
     136              :  * done for a different decay in each of the 3 data sets to keep relevant data
     137              :  * from different time horizons.  Furthermore we also keep track of the number
     138              :  * unmined (in mempool or left mempool without being included in a block)
     139              :  * transactions in each bucket and for how many blocks they have been
     140              :  * outstanding and use both of these numbers to increase the number of transactions
     141              :  * we've seen in that feerate bucket when calculating an estimate for any number
     142              :  * of confirmations below the number of blocks they've been outstanding.
     143              :  *
     144              :  *  We want to be able to estimate feerates that are needed on tx's to be included in
     145              :  * a certain number of blocks.  Every time a block is added to the best chain, this class records
     146              :  * stats on the transactions included in that block
     147              :  */
     148              : class CBlockPolicyEstimator : public CValidationInterface
     149              : {
     150              : private:
     151              :     /** Track confirm delays up to 12 blocks for short horizon */
     152              :     static constexpr unsigned int SHORT_BLOCK_PERIODS = 12;
     153              :     static constexpr unsigned int SHORT_SCALE = 1;
     154              :     /** Track confirm delays up to 48 blocks for medium horizon */
     155              :     static constexpr unsigned int MED_BLOCK_PERIODS = 24;
     156              :     static constexpr unsigned int MED_SCALE = 2;
     157              :     /** Track confirm delays up to 1008 blocks for long horizon */
     158              :     static constexpr unsigned int LONG_BLOCK_PERIODS = 42;
     159              :     static constexpr unsigned int LONG_SCALE = 24;
     160              :     /** Historical estimates that are older than this aren't valid */
     161              :     static const unsigned int OLDEST_ESTIMATE_HISTORY = 6 * 1008;
     162              : 
     163              :     /** Decay of .962 is a half-life of 18 blocks or about 3 hours */
     164              :     static constexpr double SHORT_DECAY = .962;
     165              :     /** Decay of .9952 is a half-life of 144 blocks or about 1 day */
     166              :     static constexpr double MED_DECAY = .9952;
     167              :     /** Decay of .99931 is a half-life of 1008 blocks or about 1 week */
     168              :     static constexpr double LONG_DECAY = .99931;
     169              : 
     170              :     /** Require greater than 60% of X feerate transactions to be confirmed within Y/2 blocks*/
     171              :     static constexpr double HALF_SUCCESS_PCT = .6;
     172              :     /** Require greater than 85% of X feerate transactions to be confirmed within Y blocks*/
     173              :     static constexpr double SUCCESS_PCT = .85;
     174              :     /** Require greater than 95% of X feerate transactions to be confirmed within 2 * Y blocks*/
     175              :     static constexpr double DOUBLE_SUCCESS_PCT = .95;
     176              : 
     177              :     /** Require an avg of 0.1 tx in the combined feerate bucket per block to have stat significance */
     178              :     static constexpr double SUFFICIENT_FEETXS = 0.1;
     179              :     /** Require an avg of 0.5 tx when using short decay since there are fewer blocks considered*/
     180              :     static constexpr double SUFFICIENT_TXS_SHORT = 0.5;
     181              : 
     182              :     /** Minimum and Maximum values for tracking feerates
     183              :      * The MIN_BUCKET_FEERATE should just be set to the lowest reasonable feerate we
     184              :      * might ever want to track.  Historically this has been 1000 since it was
     185              :      * inheriting DEFAULT_MIN_RELAY_TX_FEE and changing it is disruptive as it
     186              :      * invalidates old estimates files. So leave it at 1000 unless it becomes
     187              :      * necessary to lower it, and then lower it substantially.
     188              :      */
     189              :     static constexpr double MIN_BUCKET_FEERATE = 1000;
     190              :     static constexpr double MAX_BUCKET_FEERATE = 1e7;
     191              : 
     192              :     /** Spacing of FeeRate buckets
     193              :      * We have to lump transactions into buckets based on feerate, but we want to be able
     194              :      * to give accurate estimates over a large range of potential feerates
     195              :      * Therefore it makes sense to exponentially space the buckets
     196              :      */
     197              :     static constexpr double FEE_SPACING = 1.05;
     198              : 
     199              :     const fs::path m_estimation_filepath;
     200              : public:
     201              :     /** Create new BlockPolicyEstimator and initialize stats tracking classes with default values */
     202              :     CBlockPolicyEstimator(const fs::path& estimation_filepath, const bool read_stale_estimates);
     203              :     virtual ~CBlockPolicyEstimator();
     204              : 
     205              :     /** Process all the transactions that have been included in a block */
     206              :     void processBlock(const std::vector<RemovedMempoolTransactionInfo>& txs_removed_for_block,
     207              :                       unsigned int nBlockHeight)
     208              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cs_fee_estimator);
     209              : 
     210              :     /** Process a transaction accepted to the mempool*/
     211              :     void processTransaction(const NewMempoolTransactionInfo& tx)
     212              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cs_fee_estimator);
     213              : 
     214              :     /** Remove a transaction from the mempool tracking stats for non BLOCK removal reasons*/
     215              :     bool removeTx(uint256 hash)
     216              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cs_fee_estimator);
     217              : 
     218              :     /** DEPRECATED. Return a feerate estimate */
     219              :     CFeeRate estimateFee(int confTarget) const
     220              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cs_fee_estimator);
     221              : 
     222              :     /** Estimate feerate needed to get be included in a block within confTarget
     223              :      *  blocks. If no answer can be given at confTarget, return an estimate at
     224              :      *  the closest target where one can be given.  'conservative' estimates are
     225              :      *  valid over longer time horizons also.
     226              :      */
     227              :     CFeeRate estimateSmartFee(int confTarget, FeeCalculation *feeCalc, bool conservative) const
     228              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cs_fee_estimator);
     229              : 
     230              :     /** Return a specific fee estimate calculation with a given success
     231              :      * threshold and time horizon, and optionally return detailed data about
     232              :      * calculation
     233              :      */
     234              :     CFeeRate estimateRawFee(int confTarget, double successThreshold, FeeEstimateHorizon horizon,
     235              :                             EstimationResult* result = nullptr) const
     236              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cs_fee_estimator);
     237              : 
     238              :     /** Write estimation data to a file */
     239              :     bool Write(AutoFile& fileout) const
     240              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cs_fee_estimator);
     241              : 
     242              :     /** Read estimation data from a file */
     243              :     bool Read(AutoFile& filein)
     244              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cs_fee_estimator);
     245              : 
     246              :     /** Empty mempool transactions on shutdown to record failure to confirm for txs still in mempool */
     247              :     void FlushUnconfirmed()
     248              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cs_fee_estimator);
     249              : 
     250              :     /** Calculation of highest target that estimates are tracked for */
     251              :     unsigned int HighestTargetTracked(FeeEstimateHorizon horizon) const
     252              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cs_fee_estimator);
     253              : 
     254              :     /** Drop still unconfirmed transactions and record current estimations, if the fee estimation file is present. */
     255              :     void Flush()
     256              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cs_fee_estimator);
     257              : 
     258              :     /** Record current fee estimations. */
     259              :     void FlushFeeEstimates()
     260              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cs_fee_estimator);
     261              : 
     262              :     /** Calculates the age of the file, since last modified */
     263              :     std::chrono::hours GetFeeEstimatorFileAge();
     264              : 
     265              : protected:
     266              :     /** Overridden from CValidationInterface. */
     267              :     void TransactionAddedToMempool(const NewMempoolTransactionInfo& tx, uint64_t /*unused*/) override
     268              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cs_fee_estimator);
     269              :     void TransactionRemovedFromMempool(const CTransactionRef& tx, MemPoolRemovalReason /*unused*/, uint64_t /*unused*/) override
     270              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cs_fee_estimator);
     271              :     void MempoolTransactionsRemovedForBlock(const std::vector<RemovedMempoolTransactionInfo>& txs_removed_for_block, unsigned int nBlockHeight) override
     272              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_cs_fee_estimator);
     273              : 
     274              : private:
     275              :     mutable Mutex m_cs_fee_estimator;
     276              : 
     277              :     unsigned int nBestSeenHeight GUARDED_BY(m_cs_fee_estimator){0};
     278              :     unsigned int firstRecordedHeight GUARDED_BY(m_cs_fee_estimator){0};
     279              :     unsigned int historicalFirst GUARDED_BY(m_cs_fee_estimator){0};
     280              :     unsigned int historicalBest GUARDED_BY(m_cs_fee_estimator){0};
     281              : 
     282              :     struct TxStatsInfo
     283              :     {
     284              :         unsigned int blockHeight{0};
     285              :         unsigned int bucketIndex{0};
     286         8207 :         TxStatsInfo() = default;
     287              :     };
     288              : 
     289              :     // map of txids to information about that transaction
     290              :     std::map<uint256, TxStatsInfo> mapMemPoolTxs GUARDED_BY(m_cs_fee_estimator);
     291              : 
     292              :     /** Classes to track historical data on transaction confirmations */
     293              :     std::unique_ptr<TxConfirmStats> feeStats PT_GUARDED_BY(m_cs_fee_estimator);
     294              :     std::unique_ptr<TxConfirmStats> shortStats PT_GUARDED_BY(m_cs_fee_estimator);
     295              :     std::unique_ptr<TxConfirmStats> longStats PT_GUARDED_BY(m_cs_fee_estimator);
     296              : 
     297              :     unsigned int trackedTxs GUARDED_BY(m_cs_fee_estimator){0};
     298              :     unsigned int untrackedTxs GUARDED_BY(m_cs_fee_estimator){0};
     299              : 
     300              :     std::vector<double> buckets GUARDED_BY(m_cs_fee_estimator); // The upper-bound of the range for the bucket (inclusive)
     301              :     std::map<double, unsigned int> bucketMap GUARDED_BY(m_cs_fee_estimator); // Map of bucket upper-bound to index into all vectors by bucket
     302              : 
     303              :     /** Process a transaction confirmed in a block*/
     304              :     bool processBlockTx(unsigned int nBlockHeight, const RemovedMempoolTransactionInfo& tx) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_cs_fee_estimator);
     305              : 
     306              :     /** Helper for estimateSmartFee */
     307              :     double estimateCombinedFee(unsigned int confTarget, double successThreshold, bool checkShorterHorizon, EstimationResult *result) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_cs_fee_estimator);
     308              :     /** Helper for estimateSmartFee */
     309              :     double estimateConservativeFee(unsigned int doubleTarget, EstimationResult *result) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_cs_fee_estimator);
     310              :     /** Number of blocks of data recorded while fee estimates have been running */
     311              :     unsigned int BlockSpan() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_cs_fee_estimator);
     312              :     /** Number of blocks of recorded fee estimate data represented in saved data file */
     313              :     unsigned int HistoricalBlockSpan() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_cs_fee_estimator);
     314              :     /** Calculation of highest target that reasonable estimate can be provided for */
     315              :     unsigned int MaxUsableEstimate() const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_cs_fee_estimator);
     316              : 
     317              :     /** A non-thread-safe helper for the removeTx function */
     318              :     bool _removeTx(const uint256& hash, bool inBlock)
     319              :         EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(m_cs_fee_estimator);
     320              : };
     321              : 
     322          159 : class FeeFilterRounder
     323              : {
     324              : private:
     325              :     static constexpr double MAX_FILTER_FEERATE = 1e7;
     326              :     /** FEE_FILTER_SPACING is just used to provide some quantization of fee
     327              :      * filter results.  Historically it reused FEE_SPACING, but it is completely
     328              :      * unrelated, and was made a separate constant so the two concepts are not
     329              :      * tied together */
     330              :     static constexpr double FEE_FILTER_SPACING = 1.1;
     331              : 
     332              : public:
     333              :     /** Create new FeeFilterRounder */
     334              :     explicit FeeFilterRounder(const CFeeRate& min_incremental_fee, FastRandomContext& rng);
     335              : 
     336              :     /** Quantize a minimum fee for privacy purpose before broadcast. */
     337              :     CAmount round(CAmount currentMinFee) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(!m_insecure_rand_mutex);
     338              : 
     339              : private:
     340              :     const std::set<double> m_fee_set;
     341              :     Mutex m_insecure_rand_mutex;
     342              :     FastRandomContext& insecure_rand GUARDED_BY(m_insecure_rand_mutex);
     343              : };
     344              : 
     345              : #endif // BITCOIN_POLICY_FEES_H

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