Branch data Line data Source code
1 : : // Copyright (c) 2023 The Bitcoin Core developers
2 : : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3 : : // file COPYING or
4 : :
5 : : #include <node/mini_miner.h>
6 : :
7 : : #include <boost/multi_index/detail/hash_index_iterator.hpp>
8 : : #include <boost/operators.hpp>
9 : : #include <consensus/amount.h>
10 : : #include <policy/feerate.h>
11 : : #include <primitives/transaction.h>
12 : : #include <sync.h>
13 : : #include <txmempool.h>
14 : : #include <uint256.h>
15 : : #include <util/check.h>
16 : :
17 : : #include <algorithm>
18 : : #include <numeric>
19 : : #include <utility>
20 : :
21 : : namespace node {
22 : :
23 [ + - ]: 202668 : MiniMiner::MiniMiner(const CTxMemPool& mempool, const std::vector<COutPoint>& outpoints)
24 : : {
25 [ + - ]: 202668 : LOCK(mempool.cs);
26 : : // Find which outpoints to calculate bump fees for.
27 : : // Anything that's spent by the mempool is to-be-replaced
28 : : // Anything otherwise unavailable just has a bump fee of 0
29 [ + + ]: 1881148 : for (const auto& outpoint : outpoints) {
30 [ + - + + ]: 1678480 : if (!mempool.exists(GenTxid::Txid(outpoint.hash))) {
31 : : // This UTXO is either confirmed or not yet submitted to mempool.
32 : : // If it's confirmed, no bump fee is required.
33 : : // If it's not yet submitted, we have no information, so return 0.
34 [ + - ]: 1476656 : m_bump_fees.emplace(outpoint, 0);
35 : 1476656 : continue;
36 : : }
37 : :
38 : : // UXTO is created by transaction in mempool, add to map.
39 : : // Note: This will either create a missing entry or add the outpoint to an existing entry
40 [ + - + - ]: 201824 : m_requested_outpoints_by_txid[outpoint.hash].push_back(outpoint);
41 : :
42 [ + - + + ]: 201824 : if (const auto ptx{mempool.GetConflictTx(outpoint)}) {
43 : : // This outpoint is already being spent by another transaction in the mempool. We
44 : : // assume that the caller wants to replace this transaction and its descendants. It
45 : : // would be unusual for the transaction to have descendants as the wallet won’t normally
46 : : // attempt to replace transactions with descendants. If the outpoint is from a mempool
47 : : // transaction, we still need to calculate its ancestors bump fees (added to
48 : : // m_requested_outpoints_by_txid below), but after removing the to-be-replaced entries.
49 : : //
50 : : // Note that the descendants of a transaction include the transaction itself. Also note,
51 : : // that this is only calculating bump fees. RBF fee rules should be handled separately.
52 [ + - ]: 23890 : CTxMemPool::setEntries descendants;
53 [ + - + - ]: 47780 : mempool.CalculateDescendants(mempool.GetIter(ptx->GetHash()).value(), descendants);
54 [ + + ]: 2350054 : for (const auto& desc_txiter : descendants) {
55 [ + - ]: 2326164 : m_to_be_replaced.insert(desc_txiter->GetTx().GetHash());
56 : : }
57 : 23890 : }
58 : : }
59 : :
60 : : // No unconfirmed UTXOs, so nothing mempool-related needs to be calculated.
61 [ + + ]: 202668 : if (m_requested_outpoints_by_txid.empty()) return;
62 : :
63 : : // Calculate the cluster and construct the entry map.
64 : 1953 : std::vector<uint256> txids_needed;
65 [ + - ]: 1953 : txids_needed.reserve(m_requested_outpoints_by_txid.size());
66 [ + - + + ]: 169375 : for (const auto& [txid, _]: m_requested_outpoints_by_txid) {
67 [ + - ]: 167422 : txids_needed.push_back(txid);
68 : : }
69 [ + - ]: 1953 : const auto cluster = mempool.GatherClusters(txids_needed);
70 [ - + ]: 1953 : if (cluster.empty()) {
71 : : // An empty cluster means that at least one of the transactions is missing from the mempool
72 : : // (should not be possible given processing above) or DoS limit was hit.
73 : 0 : m_ready_to_calculate = false;
74 : 0 : return;
75 : : }
76 : :
77 : : // Add every entry to m_entries_by_txid and m_entries, except the ones that will be replaced.
78 [ + + ]: 250217 : for (const auto& txiter : cluster) {
79 [ + + ]: 248264 : if (!m_to_be_replaced.count(txiter->GetTx().GetHash())) {
80 [ + - + - : 352192 : auto [mapiter, success] = m_entries_by_txid.emplace(txiter->GetTx().GetHash(),
+ - ]
81 [ + - + - : 704384 : MiniMinerMempoolEntry{/*tx_in=*/txiter->GetSharedTx(),
+ - + - ]
82 [ + - ]: 176096 : /*vsize_self=*/txiter->GetTxSize(),
83 : : /*vsize_ancestor=*/txiter->GetSizeWithAncestors(),
84 : : /*fee_self=*/txiter->GetModifiedFee(),
85 [ + - + - ]: 352192 : /*fee_ancestor=*/txiter->GetModFeesWithAncestors()});
86 [ + - ]: 176096 : m_entries.push_back(mapiter);
87 : : } else {
88 : 72168 : auto outpoints_it = m_requested_outpoints_by_txid.find(txiter->GetTx().GetHash());
89 [ + + ]: 72168 : if (outpoints_it != m_requested_outpoints_by_txid.end()) {
90 : : // This UTXO is the output of a to-be-replaced transaction. Bump fee is 0; spending
91 : : // this UTXO is impossible as it will no longer exist after the replacement.
92 [ + + ]: 83446 : for (const auto& outpoint : outpoints_it->second) {
93 [ + - ]: 41738 : m_bump_fees.emplace(outpoint, 0);
94 : : }
95 : 41708 : m_requested_outpoints_by_txid.erase(outpoints_it);
96 : : }
97 : : }
98 : : }
99 : :
100 : : // Build the m_descendant_set_by_txid cache.
101 [ + + ]: 250217 : for (const auto& txiter : cluster) {
102 : 248264 : const auto& txid = txiter->GetTx().GetHash();
103 : : // Cache descendants for future use. Unlike the real mempool, a descendant MiniMinerMempoolEntry
104 : : // will not exist without its ancestor MiniMinerMempoolEntry, so these sets won't be invalidated.
105 : 248264 : std::vector<MockEntryMap::iterator> cached_descendants;
106 : 248264 : const bool remove{m_to_be_replaced.count(txid) > 0};
107 [ + - ]: 248264 : CTxMemPool::setEntries descendants;
108 [ + - ]: 248264 : mempool.CalculateDescendants(txiter, descendants);
109 [ + - ]: 248264 : Assume(descendants.count(txiter) > 0);
110 [ + + ]: 24325250 : for (const auto& desc_txiter : descendants) {
111 : 24076986 : const auto txid_desc = desc_txiter->GetTx().GetHash();
112 : 24076986 : const bool remove_desc{m_to_be_replaced.count(txid_desc) > 0};
113 : 24076986 : auto desc_it{m_entries_by_txid.find(txid_desc)};
114 [ + - ]: 24076986 : Assume((desc_it == m_entries_by_txid.end()) == remove_desc);
115 [ + + + - ]: 24076986 : if (remove) Assume(remove_desc);
116 : : // It's possible that remove=false but remove_desc=true.
117 [ + + ]: 15953258 : if (!remove && !remove_desc) {
118 [ + - ]: 12457330 : cached_descendants.push_back(desc_it);
119 : : }
120 : : }
121 [ + + ]: 248264 : if (remove) {
122 [ + - ]: 72168 : Assume(cached_descendants.empty());
123 : : } else {
124 [ + - ]: 176096 : m_descendant_set_by_txid.emplace(txid, cached_descendants);
125 : : }
126 : 248264 : }
127 : :
128 : : // Release the mempool lock; we now have all the information we need for a subset of the entries
129 : : // we care about. We will solely operate on the MiniMinerMempoolEntry map from now on.
130 [ + - ]: 1953 : Assume(m_in_block.empty());
131 [ + - ]: 1953 : Assume(m_requested_outpoints_by_txid.size() <= outpoints.size());
132 [ + - ]: 1953 : SanityCheck();
133 [ + - ]: 204621 : }
134 : :
135 : 0 : MiniMiner::MiniMiner(const std::vector<MiniMinerMempoolEntry>& manual_entries,
136 : 0 : const std::map<Txid, std::set<Txid>>& descendant_caches)
137 : : {
138 [ # # ]: 0 : for (const auto& entry : manual_entries) {
139 : 0 : const auto& txid = entry.GetTx().GetHash();
140 : : // We need to know the descendant set of every transaction.
141 [ # # # # ]: 0 : if (!Assume(descendant_caches.count(txid) > 0)) {
142 : 0 : m_ready_to_calculate = false;
143 : 0 : return;
144 : : }
145 : : // Just forward these args onto MiniMinerMempoolEntry
146 [ # # # # ]: 0 : auto [mapiter, success] = m_entries_by_txid.emplace(txid, entry);
147 : : // Txids must be unique; this txid shouldn't already be an entry in m_entries_by_txid
148 [ # # # # : 0 : if (Assume(success)) m_entries.push_back(mapiter);
# # ]
149 : : }
150 : : // Descendant cache is already built, but we need to translate them to m_entries_by_txid iters.
151 [ # # # # ]: 0 : for (const auto& [txid, desc_txids] : descendant_caches) {
152 : : // Descendant cache should include at least the tx itself.
153 [ # # # # ]: 0 : if (!Assume(!desc_txids.empty())) {
154 : 0 : m_ready_to_calculate = false;
155 : 0 : return;
156 : : }
157 : 0 : std::vector<MockEntryMap::iterator> descendants;
158 [ # # ]: 0 : for (const auto& desc_txid : desc_txids) {
159 : 0 : auto desc_it{m_entries_by_txid.find(desc_txid)};
160 : : // Descendants should only include transactions with corresponding entries.
161 [ # # # # ]: 0 : if (!Assume(desc_it != m_entries_by_txid.end())) {
162 : 0 : m_ready_to_calculate = false;
163 : 0 : return;
164 : : } else {
165 [ # # ]: 0 : descendants.emplace_back(desc_it);
166 : : }
167 : : }
168 [ # # ]: 0 : m_descendant_set_by_txid.emplace(txid, descendants);
169 : 0 : }
170 [ # # ]: 0 : Assume(m_to_be_replaced.empty());
171 [ # # ]: 0 : Assume(m_requested_outpoints_by_txid.empty());
172 [ # # ]: 0 : Assume(m_bump_fees.empty());
173 [ # # ]: 0 : Assume(m_inclusion_order.empty());
174 [ # # ]: 0 : SanityCheck();
175 : 0 : }
176 : :
177 : : // Compare by min(ancestor feerate, individual feerate), then txid
178 : : //
179 : : // Under the ancestor-based mining approach, high-feerate children can pay for parents, but high-feerate
180 : : // parents do not incentive inclusion of their children. Therefore the mining algorithm only considers
181 : : // transactions for inclusion on basis of the minimum of their own feerate or their ancestor feerate.
182 : : struct AncestorFeerateComparator
183 : : {
184 : : template<typename I>
185 [ + + ]: 66621898 : bool operator()(const I& a, const I& b) const {
186 : 133243796 : auto min_feerate = [](const MiniMinerMempoolEntry& e) -> FeeFrac {
187 : 133243796 : FeeFrac self_feerate(e.GetModifiedFee(), e.GetTxSize());
188 : 133243796 : FeeFrac ancestor_feerate(e.GetModFeesWithAncestors(), e.GetSizeWithAncestors());
189 : 133243796 : return std::min(ancestor_feerate, self_feerate);
190 : : };
191 : 66621898 : FeeFrac a_feerate{min_feerate(a->second)};
192 [ + + ]: 66621898 : FeeFrac b_feerate{min_feerate(b->second)};
193 : 43934676 : if (a_feerate != b_feerate) {
194 : 22687222 : return a_feerate > b_feerate;
195 : : }
196 : : // Use txid as tiebreaker for stable sorting
197 : 43934676 : return a->first < b->first;
198 : : }
199 : : };
200 : :
201 : 69715 : void MiniMiner::DeleteAncestorPackage(const std::set<MockEntryMap::iterator, IteratorComparator>& ancestors)
202 : : {
203 : 69715 : Assume(ancestors.size() >= 1);
204 : : // "Mine" all transactions in this ancestor set.
205 [ + + ]: 217939 : for (auto& anc : ancestors) {
206 : 148224 : Assume(m_in_block.count(anc->first) == 0);
207 : 148224 : m_in_block.insert(anc->first);
208 : 148224 : m_total_fees += anc->second.GetModifiedFee();
209 : 148224 : m_total_vsize += anc->second.GetTxSize();
210 : 148224 : auto it = m_descendant_set_by_txid.find(anc->first);
211 : : // Each entry’s descendant set includes itself
212 : 148224 : Assume(it != m_descendant_set_by_txid.end());
213 [ + + ]: 9344571 : for (auto& descendant : it->second) {
214 : : // If these fail, we must be double-deducting.
215 : 9196347 : Assume(descendant->second.GetModFeesWithAncestors() >= anc->second.GetModifiedFee());
216 : 9196347 : Assume(descendant->second.GetSizeWithAncestors() >= anc->second.GetTxSize());
217 : 9196347 : descendant->second.UpdateAncestorState(-anc->second.GetTxSize(), -anc->second.GetModifiedFee());
218 : : }
219 : : }
220 : : // Delete these entries.
221 [ + + ]: 217939 : for (const auto& anc : ancestors) {
222 : 148224 : m_descendant_set_by_txid.erase(anc->first);
223 : : // The above loop should have deducted each ancestor's size and fees from each of their
224 : : // respective descendants exactly once.
225 : 148224 : Assume(anc->second.GetModFeesWithAncestors() == 0);
226 : 148224 : Assume(anc->second.GetSizeWithAncestors() == 0);
227 : 148224 : auto vec_it = std::find(m_entries.begin(), m_entries.end(), anc);
228 : 148224 : Assume(vec_it != m_entries.end());
229 : 148224 : m_entries.erase(vec_it);
230 : 148224 : m_entries_by_txid.erase(anc);
231 : : }
232 : 69715 : }
233 : :
234 : 71668 : void MiniMiner::SanityCheck() const
235 : : {
236 : : // m_entries, m_entries_by_txid, and m_descendant_set_by_txid all same size
237 : 71668 : Assume(m_entries.size() == m_entries_by_txid.size());
238 : 71668 : Assume(m_entries.size() == m_descendant_set_by_txid.size());
239 : : // Cached ancestor values should be at least as large as the transaction's own fee and size
240 [ + - + - : 2320036 : Assume(std::all_of(m_entries.begin(), m_entries.end(), [](const auto& entry) {
+ - + - +
- + - + -
+ - + - +
- + - + -
+ - + - ]
241 : : return entry->second.GetSizeWithAncestors() >= entry->second.GetTxSize() &&
242 : : entry->second.GetModFeesWithAncestors() >= entry->second.GetModifiedFee();}));
243 : : // None of the entries should be to-be-replaced transactions
244 : 2519784 : Assume(std::all_of(m_to_be_replaced.begin(), m_to_be_replaced.end(),
245 : : [&](const auto& txid){return m_entries_by_txid.find(txid) == m_entries_by_txid.end();}));
246 : 71668 : }
247 : :
248 : 202668 : void MiniMiner::BuildMockTemplate(std::optional<CFeeRate> target_feerate)
249 : : {
250 : 202668 : const auto num_txns{m_entries_by_txid.size()};
251 : 202668 : uint32_t sequence_num{0};
252 [ + + ]: 272383 : while (!m_entries_by_txid.empty()) {
253 : : // Sort again, since transaction removal may change some m_entries' ancestor feerates.
254 : 70245 : std::sort(m_entries.begin(), m_entries.end(), AncestorFeerateComparator());
255 : :
256 : : // Pick highest ancestor feerate entry.
257 : 70245 : auto best_iter = m_entries.begin();
258 : 70245 : Assume(best_iter != m_entries.end());
259 [ + - ]: 70245 : const auto ancestor_package_size = (*best_iter)->second.GetSizeWithAncestors();
260 [ + - ]: 70245 : const auto ancestor_package_fee = (*best_iter)->second.GetModFeesWithAncestors();
261 : : // Stop here. Everything that didn't "make it into the block" has bumpfee.
262 [ + - + + ]: 140490 : if (target_feerate.has_value() &&
263 : 70245 : ancestor_package_fee < target_feerate->GetFee(ancestor_package_size)) {
264 : : break;
265 : : }
266 : :
267 : : // Calculate ancestors on the fly. This lookup should be fairly cheap, and ancestor sets
268 : : // change at every iteration, so this is more efficient than maintaining a cache.
269 [ + - ]: 69715 : std::set<MockEntryMap::iterator, IteratorComparator> ancestors;
270 : 69715 : {
271 : 69715 : std::set<MockEntryMap::iterator, IteratorComparator> to_process;
272 [ + - ]: 69715 : to_process.insert(*best_iter);
273 [ + + ]: 217939 : while (!to_process.empty()) {
274 [ + - ]: 148224 : auto iter = to_process.begin();
275 [ + - ]: 148224 : Assume(iter != to_process.end());
276 [ + - ]: 148224 : ancestors.insert(*iter);
277 [ + + ]: 817609 : for (const auto& input : (*iter)->second.GetTx().vin) {
278 [ + + ]: 669385 : if (auto parent_it{m_entries_by_txid.find(input.prevout.hash)}; parent_it != m_entries_by_txid.end()) {
279 [ + + ]: 464792 : if (ancestors.count(parent_it) == 0) {
280 [ + - ]: 371752 : to_process.insert(parent_it);
281 : : }
282 : : }
283 : : }
284 : 148224 : to_process.erase(iter);
285 : : }
286 : 0 : }
287 : : // Track the order in which transactions were selected.
288 [ + + ]: 217939 : for (const auto& ancestor : ancestors) {
289 [ + - ]: 148224 : m_inclusion_order.emplace(Txid::FromUint256(ancestor->first), sequence_num);
290 : : }
291 [ + - ]: 69715 : DeleteAncestorPackage(ancestors);
292 [ + - ]: 69715 : SanityCheck();
293 : 69715 : ++sequence_num;
294 : 69715 : }
295 [ - + ]: 202668 : if (!target_feerate.has_value()) {
296 : 0 : Assume(m_in_block.size() == num_txns);
297 : : } else {
298 [ + + + - ]: 204320 : Assume(m_in_block.empty() || m_total_fees >= target_feerate->GetFee(m_total_vsize));
299 : : }
300 [ + + - + ]: 202668 : Assume(m_in_block.empty() || sequence_num > 0);
301 : 202668 : Assume(m_in_block.size() == m_inclusion_order.size());
302 : : // Do not try to continue building the block template with a different feerate.
303 : 202668 : m_ready_to_calculate = false;
304 : 202668 : }
305 : :
306 : :
307 : 0 : std::map<Txid, uint32_t> MiniMiner::Linearize()
308 : : {
309 : 0 : BuildMockTemplate(std::nullopt);
310 : 0 : return m_inclusion_order;
311 : : }
312 : :
313 : 68489 : std::map<COutPoint, CAmount> MiniMiner::CalculateBumpFees(const CFeeRate& target_feerate)
314 : : {
315 [ - + ]: 68489 : if (!m_ready_to_calculate) return {};
316 : : // Build a block template until the target feerate is hit.
317 : 68489 : BuildMockTemplate(target_feerate);
318 : :
319 : : // Each transaction that "made it into the block" has a bumpfee of 0, i.e. they are part of an
320 : : // ancestor package with at least the target feerate and don't need to be bumped.
321 [ + + ]: 124619 : for (const auto& txid : m_in_block) {
322 : : // Not all of the block transactions were necessarily requested.
323 : 56130 : auto it = m_requested_outpoints_by_txid.find(txid);
324 [ + + ]: 56130 : if (it != m_requested_outpoints_by_txid.end()) {
325 [ + + ]: 70223 : for (const auto& outpoint : it->second) {
326 : 35151 : m_bump_fees.emplace(outpoint, 0);
327 : : }
328 : 35072 : m_requested_outpoints_by_txid.erase(it);
329 : : }
330 : : }
331 : :
332 : : // A transactions and its ancestors will only be picked into a block when
333 : : // both the ancestor set feerate and the individual feerate meet the target
334 : : // feerate.
335 : : //
336 : : // We had to convince ourselves that after running the mini miner and
337 : : // picking all eligible transactions into our MockBlockTemplate, there
338 : : // could still be transactions remaining that have a lower individual
339 : : // feerate than their ancestor feerate. So here is an example:
340 : : //
341 : : // ┌─────────────────┐
342 : : // │ │
343 : : // │ Grandparent │
344 : : // │ 1700 vB │
345 : : // │ 1700 sats │ Target feerate: 10 s/vB
346 : : // │ 1 s/vB │ GP Ancestor Set Feerate (ASFR): 1 s/vB
347 : : // │ │ P1_ASFR: 9.84 s/vB
348 : : // └──────▲───▲──────┘ P2_ASFR: 2.47 s/vB
349 : : // │ │ C_ASFR: 10.27 s/vB
350 : : // ┌───────────────┐ │ │ ┌──────────────┐
351 : : // │ ├────┘ └────┤ │ ⇒ C_FR < TFR < C_ASFR
352 : : // │ Parent 1 │ │ Parent 2 │
353 : : // │ 200 vB │ │ 200 vB │
354 : : // │ 17000 sats │ │ 3000 sats │
355 : : // │ 85 s/vB │ │ 15 s/vB │
356 : : // │ │ │ │
357 : : // └───────────▲───┘ └───▲──────────┘
358 : : // │ │
359 : : // │ ┌───────────┐ │
360 : : // └────┤ ├────┘
361 : : // │ Child │
362 : : // │ 100 vB │
363 : : // │ 900 sats │
364 : : // │ 9 s/vB │
365 : : // │ │
366 : : // └───────────┘
367 : : //
368 : : // We therefore calculate both the bump fee that is necessary to elevate
369 : : // the individual transaction to the target feerate:
370 : : // target_feerate × tx_size - tx_fees
371 : : // and the bump fee that is necessary to bump the entire ancestor set to
372 : : // the target feerate:
373 : : // target_feerate × ancestor_set_size - ancestor_set_fees
374 : : // By picking the maximum from the two, we ensure that a transaction meets
375 : : // both criteria.
376 [ + + ]: 77845 : for (const auto& [txid, outpoints] : m_requested_outpoints_by_txid) {
377 : 9356 : auto it = m_entries_by_txid.find(txid);
378 : 9356 : Assume(it != m_entries_by_txid.end());
379 [ + - ]: 9356 : if (it != m_entries_by_txid.end()) {
380 [ + - ]: 18712 : Assume(target_feerate.GetFee(it->second.GetSizeWithAncestors()) > std::min(it->second.GetModifiedFee(), it->second.GetModFeesWithAncestors()));
381 : 9356 : CAmount bump_fee_with_ancestors = target_feerate.GetFee(it->second.GetSizeWithAncestors()) - it->second.GetModFeesWithAncestors();
382 [ + + ]: 9356 : CAmount bump_fee_individual = target_feerate.GetFee(it->second.GetTxSize()) - it->second.GetModifiedFee();
383 [ + + ]: 9356 : const CAmount bump_fee{std::max(bump_fee_with_ancestors, bump_fee_individual)};
384 : 9356 : Assume(bump_fee >= 0);
385 [ + + ]: 18830 : for (const auto& outpoint : outpoints) {
386 : 9474 : m_bump_fees.emplace(outpoint, bump_fee);
387 : : }
388 : : }
389 : : }
390 : 68489 : return m_bump_fees;
391 : : }
392 : :
393 : 133542 : std::optional<CAmount> MiniMiner::CalculateTotalBumpFees(const CFeeRate& target_feerate)
394 : : {
395 [ - + ]: 133542 : if (!m_ready_to_calculate) return std::nullopt;
396 : : // Build a block template until the target feerate is hit.
397 : 133542 : BuildMockTemplate(target_feerate);
398 : :
399 : : // All remaining ancestors that are not part of m_in_block must be bumped, but no other relatives
400 : 133542 : std::set<MockEntryMap::iterator, IteratorComparator> ancestors;
401 : 133542 : std::set<MockEntryMap::iterator, IteratorComparator> to_process;
402 [ + + ]: 177970 : for (const auto& [txid, outpoints] : m_requested_outpoints_by_txid) {
403 : : // Skip any ancestors that already have a miner score higher than the target feerate
404 : : // (already "made it" into the block)
405 [ + + ]: 44428 : if (m_in_block.count(txid)) continue;
406 : 9356 : auto iter = m_entries_by_txid.find(txid);
407 [ - + ]: 9356 : if (iter == m_entries_by_txid.end()) continue;
408 [ + - ]: 9356 : to_process.insert(iter);
409 [ + - ]: 9356 : ancestors.insert(iter);
410 : : }
411 : :
412 : 133542 : std::set<uint256> has_been_processed;
413 [ + + ]: 146584 : while (!to_process.empty()) {
414 : 13042 : auto iter = to_process.begin();
415 : 13042 : const CTransaction& tx = (*iter)->second.GetTx();
416 [ + + ]: 181521 : for (const auto& input : {
417 [ + + ]: 168479 : if (auto parent_it{m_entries_by_txid.find(input.prevout.hash)}; parent_it != m_entries_by_txid.end()) {
418 [ + + ]: 152915 : if (!has_been_processed.count(input.prevout.hash)) {
419 [ + - ]: 83329 : to_process.insert(parent_it);
420 : : }
421 [ + - ]: 152915 : ancestors.insert(parent_it);
422 : : }
423 : : }
424 [ + - ]: 13042 : has_been_processed.insert(tx.GetHash());
425 : 13042 : to_process.erase(iter);
426 : : }
427 : 133542 : const auto ancestor_package_size = std::accumulate(ancestors.cbegin(), ancestors.cend(), int64_t{0},
428 : 13042 : [](int64_t sum, const auto it) {return sum + it->second.GetTxSize();});
429 : 133542 : const auto ancestor_package_fee = std::accumulate(ancestors.cbegin(), ancestors.cend(), CAmount{0},
430 : 13042 : [](CAmount sum, const auto it) {return sum + it->second.GetModifiedFee();});
431 [ + - ]: 133542 : return target_feerate.GetFee(ancestor_package_size) - ancestor_package_fee;
432 : 133542 : }
433 : : } // namespace node