Branch data Line data Source code
1 : : // Copyright (c) 2018-2022 The Bitcoin Core developers
2 : : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
3 : : // file COPYING or
4 : :
7 : :
8 : : #include <blockfilter.h>
9 : : #include <common/settings.h>
10 : : #include <primitives/transaction.h> // For CTransactionRef
11 : : #include <util/result.h>
12 : :
13 : : #include <functional>
14 : : #include <memory>
15 : : #include <optional>
16 : : #include <stddef.h>
17 : : #include <stdint.h>
18 : : #include <string>
19 : : #include <vector>
20 : :
21 : : class ArgsManager;
22 : : class CBlock;
23 : : class CBlockUndo;
24 : : class CFeeRate;
25 : : class CRPCCommand;
26 : : class CScheduler;
27 : : class Coin;
28 : : class uint256;
29 : : enum class MemPoolRemovalReason;
30 : : enum class RBFTransactionState;
31 : : enum class ChainstateRole;
32 : : struct bilingual_str;
33 : : struct CBlockLocator;
34 : : struct FeeCalculation;
35 : : namespace node {
36 : : struct NodeContext;
37 : : } // namespace node
38 : :
39 : : namespace interfaces {
40 : :
41 : : class Handler;
42 : : class Wallet;
43 : :
44 : : //! Helper for findBlock to selectively return pieces of block data. If block is
45 : : //! found, data will be returned by setting specified output variables. If block
46 : : //! is not found, output variables will keep their previous values.
47 : 62975 : class FoundBlock
48 : : {
49 : : public:
50 [ # # ]: 0 : FoundBlock& hash(uint256& hash) { m_hash = &hash; return *this; }
51 [ # # ]: 0 : FoundBlock& height(int& height) { m_height = &height; return *this; }
52 [ # # ]: 0 : FoundBlock& time(int64_t& time) { m_time = &time; return *this; }
53 : 62975 : FoundBlock& maxTime(int64_t& max_time) { m_max_time = &max_time; return *this; }
54 : 0 : FoundBlock& mtpTime(int64_t& mtp_time) { m_mtp_time = &mtp_time; return *this; }
55 : : //! Return whether block is in the active (most-work) chain.
56 : 0 : FoundBlock& inActiveChain(bool& in_active_chain) { m_in_active_chain = &in_active_chain; return *this; }
57 : : //! Return locator if block is in the active chain.
58 [ # # ]: 0 : FoundBlock& locator(CBlockLocator& locator) { m_locator = &locator; return *this; }
59 : : //! Return next block in the active chain if current block is in the active chain.
60 [ # # ]: 0 : FoundBlock& nextBlock(const FoundBlock& next_block) { m_next_block = &next_block; return *this; }
61 : : //! Read block data from disk. If the block exists but doesn't have data
62 : : //! (for example due to pruning), the CBlock variable will be set to null.
63 [ # # ]: 0 : FoundBlock& data(CBlock& data) { m_data = &data; return *this; }
64 : :
65 : : uint256* m_hash = nullptr;
66 : : int* m_height = nullptr;
67 : : int64_t* m_time = nullptr;
68 : : int64_t* m_max_time = nullptr;
69 : : int64_t* m_mtp_time = nullptr;
70 : : bool* m_in_active_chain = nullptr;
71 : : CBlockLocator* m_locator = nullptr;
72 : : const FoundBlock* m_next_block = nullptr;
73 : : CBlock* m_data = nullptr;
74 : : mutable bool found = false;
75 : : };
76 : :
77 : : //! Block data sent with blockConnected, blockDisconnected notifications.
78 : : struct BlockInfo {
79 : : const uint256& hash;
80 : : const uint256* prev_hash = nullptr;
81 : : int height = -1;
82 : : int file_number = -1;
83 : : unsigned data_pos = 0;
84 : : const CBlock* data = nullptr;
85 : : const CBlockUndo* undo_data = nullptr;
86 : : // The maximum time in the chain up to and including this block.
87 : : // A timestamp that can only move forward.
88 : : unsigned int chain_time_max{0};
89 : :
90 [ + - ]: 8032 : BlockInfo(const uint256& hash LIFETIMEBOUND) : hash(hash) {}
91 : : };
92 : :
93 : : //! The action to be taken after updating a settings value.
94 : : //! WRITE indicates that the updated value must be written to disk,
95 : : //! while SKIP_WRITE indicates that the change will be kept in memory-only
96 : : //! without persisting it.
97 : : enum class SettingsAction {
98 : : WRITE,
100 : : };
101 : :
102 : : using SettingsUpdate = std::function<std::optional<interfaces::SettingsAction>(common::SettingsValue&)>;
103 : :
104 : : //! Interface giving clients (wallet processes, maybe other analysis tools in
105 : : //! the future) ability to access to the chain state, receive notifications,
106 : : //! estimate fees, and submit transactions.
107 : : //!
108 : : //! TODO: Current chain methods are too low level, exposing too much of the
109 : : //! internal workings of the bitcoin node, and not being very convenient to use.
110 : : //! Chain methods should be cleaned up and simplified over time. Examples:
111 : : //!
112 : : //! * The initMessages() and showProgress() methods which the wallet uses to send
113 : : //! notifications to the GUI should go away when GUI and wallet can directly
114 : : //! communicate with each other without going through the node
115 : : //! (
116 : : //!
117 : : //! * The handleRpc, registerRpcs, rpcEnableDeprecated methods and other RPC
118 : : //! methods can go away if wallets listen for HTTP requests on their own
119 : : //! ports instead of registering to handle requests on the node HTTP port.
120 : : //!
121 : : //! * Move fee estimation queries to an asynchronous interface and let the
122 : : //! wallet cache it, fee estimation being driven by node mempool, wallet
123 : : //! should be the consumer.
124 : : //!
125 : : //! * `guessVerificationProgress` and similar methods can go away if rescan
126 : : //! logic moves out of the wallet, and the wallet just requests scans from the
127 : : //! node (
128 : 1233 : class Chain
129 : : {
130 : : public:
131 : : virtual ~Chain() = default;
132 : :
133 : : //! Get current chain height, not including genesis block (returns 0 if
134 : : //! chain only contains genesis block, nullopt if chain does not contain
135 : : //! any blocks)
136 : : virtual std::optional<int> getHeight() = 0;
137 : :
138 : : //! Get block hash. Height must be valid or this function will abort.
139 : : virtual uint256 getBlockHash(int height) = 0;
140 : :
141 : : //! Check that the block is available on disk (i.e. has not been
142 : : //! pruned), and contains transactions.
143 : : virtual bool haveBlockOnDisk(int height) = 0;
144 : :
145 : : //! Get locator for the current chain tip.
146 : : virtual CBlockLocator getTipLocator() = 0;
147 : :
148 : : //! Return a locator that refers to a block in the active chain.
149 : : //! If specified block is not in the active chain, return locator for the latest ancestor that is in the chain.
150 : : virtual CBlockLocator getActiveChainLocator(const uint256& block_hash) = 0;
151 : :
152 : : //! Return height of the highest block on chain in common with the locator,
153 : : //! which will either be the original block used to create the locator,
154 : : //! or one of its ancestors.
155 : : virtual std::optional<int> findLocatorFork(const CBlockLocator& locator) = 0;
156 : :
157 : : //! Returns whether a block filter index is available.
158 : : virtual bool hasBlockFilterIndex(BlockFilterType filter_type) = 0;
159 : :
160 : : //! Returns whether any of the elements match the block via a BIP 157 block filter
161 : : //! or std::nullopt if the block filter for this block couldn't be found.
162 : : virtual std::optional<bool> blockFilterMatchesAny(BlockFilterType filter_type, const uint256& block_hash, const GCSFilter::ElementSet& filter_set) = 0;
163 : :
164 : : //! Return whether node has the block and optionally return block metadata
165 : : //! or contents.
166 : : virtual bool findBlock(const uint256& hash, const FoundBlock& block={}) = 0;
167 : :
168 : : //! Find first block in the chain with timestamp >= the given time
169 : : //! and height >= than the given height, return false if there is no block
170 : : //! with a high enough timestamp and height. Optionally return block
171 : : //! information.
172 : : virtual bool findFirstBlockWithTimeAndHeight(int64_t min_time, int min_height, const FoundBlock& block={}) = 0;
173 : :
174 : : //! Find ancestor of block at specified height and optionally return
175 : : //! ancestor information.
176 : : virtual bool findAncestorByHeight(const uint256& block_hash, int ancestor_height, const FoundBlock& ancestor_out={}) = 0;
177 : :
178 : : //! Return whether block descends from a specified ancestor, and
179 : : //! optionally return ancestor information.
180 : : virtual bool findAncestorByHash(const uint256& block_hash,
181 : : const uint256& ancestor_hash,
182 : : const FoundBlock& ancestor_out={}) = 0;
183 : :
184 : : //! Find most recent common ancestor between two blocks and optionally
185 : : //! return block information.
186 : : virtual bool findCommonAncestor(const uint256& block_hash1,
187 : : const uint256& block_hash2,
188 : : const FoundBlock& ancestor_out={},
189 : : const FoundBlock& block1_out={},
190 : : const FoundBlock& block2_out={}) = 0;
191 : :
192 : : //! Look up unspent output information. Returns coins in the mempool and in
193 : : //! the current chain UTXO set. Iterates through all the keys in the map and
194 : : //! populates the values.
195 : : virtual void findCoins(std::map<COutPoint, Coin>& coins) = 0;
196 : :
197 : : //! Estimate fraction of total transactions verified if blocks up to
198 : : //! the specified block hash are verified.
199 : : virtual double guessVerificationProgress(const uint256& block_hash) = 0;
200 : :
201 : : //! Return true if data is available for all blocks in the specified range
202 : : //! of blocks. This checks all blocks that are ancestors of block_hash in
203 : : //! the height range from min_height to max_height, inclusive.
204 : : virtual bool hasBlocks(const uint256& block_hash, int min_height = 0, std::optional<int> max_height = {}) = 0;
205 : :
206 : : //! Check if transaction is RBF opt in.
207 : : virtual RBFTransactionState isRBFOptIn(const CTransaction& tx) = 0;
208 : :
209 : : //! Check if transaction is in mempool.
210 : : virtual bool isInMempool(const uint256& txid) = 0;
211 : :
212 : : //! Check if transaction has descendants in mempool.
213 : : virtual bool hasDescendantsInMempool(const uint256& txid) = 0;
214 : :
215 : : //! Transaction is added to memory pool, if the transaction fee is below the
216 : : //! amount specified by max_tx_fee, and broadcast to all peers if relay is set to true.
217 : : //! Return false if the transaction could not be added due to the fee or for another reason.
218 : : virtual bool broadcastTransaction(const CTransactionRef& tx,
219 : : const CAmount& max_tx_fee,
220 : : bool relay,
221 : : std::string& err_string) = 0;
222 : :
223 : : //! Calculate mempool ancestor and descendant counts for the given transaction.
224 : : virtual void getTransactionAncestry(const uint256& txid, size_t& ancestors, size_t& descendants, size_t* ancestorsize = nullptr, CAmount* ancestorfees = nullptr) = 0;
225 : :
226 : : //! For each outpoint, calculate the fee-bumping cost to spend this outpoint at the specified
227 : : // feerate, including bumping its ancestors. For example, if the target feerate is 10sat/vbyte
228 : : // and this outpoint refers to a mempool transaction at 3sat/vbyte, the bump fee includes the
229 : : // cost to bump the mempool transaction to 10sat/vbyte (i.e. 7 * mempooltx.vsize). If that
230 : : // transaction also has, say, an unconfirmed parent with a feerate of 1sat/vbyte, the bump fee
231 : : // includes the cost to bump the parent (i.e. 9 * parentmempooltx.vsize).
232 : : //
233 : : // If the outpoint comes from an unconfirmed transaction that is already above the target
234 : : // feerate or bumped by its descendant(s) already, it does not need to be bumped. Its bump fee
235 : : // is 0. Likewise, if any of the transaction's ancestors are already bumped by a transaction
236 : : // in our mempool, they are not included in the transaction's bump fee.
237 : : //
238 : : // Also supported is bump-fee calculation in the case of replacements. If an outpoint
239 : : // conflicts with another transaction in the mempool, it is assumed that the goal is to replace
240 : : // that transaction. As such, the calculation will exclude the to-be-replaced transaction, but
241 : : // will include the fee-bumping cost. If bump fees of descendants of the to-be-replaced
242 : : // transaction are requested, the value will be 0. Fee-related RBF rules are not included as
243 : : // they are logically distinct.
244 : : //
245 : : // Any outpoints that are otherwise unavailable from the mempool (e.g. UTXOs from confirmed
246 : : // transactions or transactions not yet broadcast by the wallet) are given a bump fee of 0.
247 : : //
248 : : // If multiple outpoints come from the same transaction (which would be very rare because
249 : : // it means that one transaction has multiple change outputs or paid the same wallet using multiple
250 : : // outputs in the same transaction) or have shared ancestry, the bump fees are calculated
251 : : // independently, i.e. as if only one of them is spent. This may result in double-fee-bumping. This
252 : : // caveat can be rectified per use of the sister-function CalculateCombinedBumpFee(…).
253 : : virtual std::map<COutPoint, CAmount> calculateIndividualBumpFees(const std::vector<COutPoint>& outpoints, const CFeeRate& target_feerate) = 0;
254 : :
255 : : //! Calculate the combined bump fee for an input set per the same strategy
256 : : // as in CalculateIndividualBumpFees(…).
257 : : // Unlike CalculateIndividualBumpFees(…), this does not return individual
258 : : // bump fees per outpoint, but a single bump fee for the shared ancestry.
259 : : // The combined bump fee may be used to correct overestimation due to
260 : : // shared ancestry by multiple UTXOs after coin selection.
261 : : virtual std::optional<CAmount> calculateCombinedBumpFee(const std::vector<COutPoint>& outpoints, const CFeeRate& target_feerate) = 0;
262 : :
263 : : //! Get the node's package limits.
264 : : //! Currently only returns the ancestor and descendant count limits, but could be enhanced to
265 : : //! return more policy settings.
266 : : virtual void getPackageLimits(unsigned int& limit_ancestor_count, unsigned int& limit_descendant_count) = 0;
267 : :
268 : : //! Check if transaction will pass the mempool's chain limits.
269 : : virtual util::Result<void> checkChainLimits(const CTransactionRef& tx) = 0;
270 : :
271 : : //! Estimate smart fee.
272 : : virtual CFeeRate estimateSmartFee(int num_blocks, bool conservative, FeeCalculation* calc = nullptr) = 0;
273 : :
274 : : //! Fee estimator max target.
275 : : virtual unsigned int estimateMaxBlocks() = 0;
276 : :
277 : : //! Mempool minimum fee.
278 : : virtual CFeeRate mempoolMinFee() = 0;
279 : :
280 : : //! Relay current minimum fee (from -minrelaytxfee and -incrementalrelayfee settings).
281 : : virtual CFeeRate relayMinFee() = 0;
282 : :
283 : : //! Relay incremental fee setting (-incrementalrelayfee), reflecting cost of relay.
284 : : virtual CFeeRate relayIncrementalFee() = 0;
285 : :
286 : : //! Relay dust fee setting (-dustrelayfee), reflecting lowest rate it's economical to spend.
287 : : virtual CFeeRate relayDustFee() = 0;
288 : :
289 : : //! Check if any block has been pruned.
290 : : virtual bool havePruned() = 0;
291 : :
292 : : //! Check if the node is ready to broadcast transactions.
293 : : virtual bool isReadyToBroadcast() = 0;
294 : :
295 : : //! Check if in IBD.
296 : : virtual bool isInitialBlockDownload() = 0;
297 : :
298 : : //! Check if shutdown requested.
299 : : virtual bool shutdownRequested() = 0;
300 : :
301 : : //! Send init message.
302 : : virtual void initMessage(const std::string& message) = 0;
303 : :
304 : : //! Send init warning.
305 : : virtual void initWarning(const bilingual_str& message) = 0;
306 : :
307 : : //! Send init error.
308 : : virtual void initError(const bilingual_str& message) = 0;
309 : :
310 : : //! Send progress indicator.
311 : : virtual void showProgress(const std::string& title, int progress, bool resume_possible) = 0;
312 : :
313 : : //! Chain notifications.
314 [ + - ]: 10398 : class Notifications
315 : : {
316 : : public:
317 : 0 : virtual ~Notifications() = default;
318 : 0 : virtual void transactionAddedToMempool(const CTransactionRef& tx) {}
319 : 0 : virtual void transactionRemovedFromMempool(const CTransactionRef& tx, MemPoolRemovalReason reason) {}
320 : 0 : virtual void blockConnected(ChainstateRole role, const BlockInfo& block) {}
321 : 0 : virtual void blockDisconnected(const BlockInfo& block) {}
322 : 0 : virtual void updatedBlockTip() {}
323 : 0 : virtual void chainStateFlushed(ChainstateRole role, const CBlockLocator& locator) {}
324 : : };
325 : :
326 : : //! Register handler for notifications.
327 : : virtual std::unique_ptr<Handler> handleNotifications(std::shared_ptr<Notifications> notifications) = 0;
328 : :
329 : : //! Wait for pending notifications to be processed unless block hash points to the current
330 : : //! chain tip.
331 : : virtual void waitForNotificationsIfTipChanged(const uint256& old_tip) = 0;
332 : :
333 : : //! Register handler for RPC. Command is not copied, so reference
334 : : //! needs to remain valid until Handler is disconnected.
335 : : virtual std::unique_ptr<Handler> handleRpc(const CRPCCommand& command) = 0;
336 : :
337 : : //! Check if deprecated RPC is enabled.
338 : : virtual bool rpcEnableDeprecated(const std::string& method) = 0;
339 : :
340 : : //! Run function after given number of seconds. Cancel any previous calls with same name.
341 : : virtual void rpcRunLater(const std::string& name, std::function<void()> fn, int64_t seconds) = 0;
342 : :
343 : : //! Get settings value.
344 : : virtual common::SettingsValue getSetting(const std::string& arg) = 0;
345 : :
346 : : //! Get list of settings values.
347 : : virtual std::vector<common::SettingsValue> getSettingsList(const std::string& arg) = 0;
348 : :
349 : : //! Return <datadir>/settings.json setting value.
350 : : virtual common::SettingsValue getRwSetting(const std::string& name) = 0;
351 : :
352 : : //! Updates a setting in <datadir>/settings.json.
353 : : //! Null can be passed to erase the setting. There is intentionally no
354 : : //! support for writing null values to settings.json.
355 : : //! Depending on the action returned by the update function, this will either
356 : : //! update the setting in memory or write the updated settings to disk.
357 : : virtual bool updateRwSetting(const std::string& name, const SettingsUpdate& update_function) = 0;
358 : :
359 : : //! Replace a setting in <datadir>/settings.json with a new value.
360 : : //! Null can be passed to erase the setting.
361 : : //! This method provides a simpler alternative to updateRwSetting when
362 : : //! atomically reading and updating the setting is not required.
363 : : virtual bool overwriteRwSetting(const std::string& name, common::SettingsValue value, SettingsAction action = SettingsAction::WRITE) = 0;
364 : :
365 : : //! Delete a given setting in <datadir>/settings.json.
366 : : //! This method provides a simpler alternative to overwriteRwSetting when
367 : : //! erasing a setting, for ease of use and readability.
368 : : virtual bool deleteRwSettings(const std::string& name, SettingsAction action = SettingsAction::WRITE) = 0;
369 : :
370 : : //! Synchronously send transactionAddedToMempool notifications about all
371 : : //! current mempool transactions to the specified handler and return after
372 : : //! the last one is sent. These notifications aren't coordinated with async
373 : : //! notifications sent by handleNotifications, so out of date async
374 : : //! notifications from handleNotifications can arrive during and after
375 : : //! synchronous notifications from requestMempoolTransactions. Clients need
376 : : //! to be prepared to handle this by ignoring notifications about unknown
377 : : //! removed transactions and already added new transactions.
378 : : virtual void requestMempoolTransactions(Notifications& notifications) = 0;
379 : :
380 : : //! Return true if an assumed-valid chain is in use.
381 : : virtual bool hasAssumedValidChain() = 0;
382 : :
383 : : //! Get internal node context. Useful for testing, but not
384 : : //! accessible across processes.
385 : 0 : virtual node::NodeContext* context() { return nullptr; }
386 : : };
387 : :
388 : : //! Interface to let node manage chain clients (wallets, or maybe tools for
389 : : //! monitoring and analysis in the future).
390 [ # # ]: 0 : class ChainClient
391 : : {
392 : : public:
393 : 0 : virtual ~ChainClient() = default;
394 : :
395 : : //! Register rpcs.
396 : : virtual void registerRpcs() = 0;
397 : :
398 : : //! Check for errors before loading.
399 : : virtual bool verify() = 0;
400 : :
401 : : //! Load saved state.
402 : : virtual bool load() = 0;
403 : :
404 : : //! Start client execution and provide a scheduler.
405 : : virtual void start(CScheduler& scheduler) = 0;
406 : :
407 : : //! Save state to disk.
408 : : virtual void flush() = 0;
409 : :
410 : : //! Shut down client.
411 : : virtual void stop() = 0;
412 : :
413 : : //! Set mock time.
414 : : virtual void setMockTime(int64_t time) = 0;
415 : :
416 : : //! Mock the scheduler to fast forward in time.
417 : : virtual void schedulerMockForward(std::chrono::seconds delta_seconds) = 0;
418 : : };
419 : :
420 : : //! Return implementation of Chain interface.
421 : : std::unique_ptr<Chain> MakeChain(node::NodeContext& node);
422 : :
423 : : } // namespace interfaces
424 : :