LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - src/common - pcp.cpp (source / functions) Coverage Total Hit
Test: Lines: 0.0 % 216 0
Test Date: 2024-12-04 04:00:22 Functions: 0.0 % 11 0
Branches: 0.0 % 350 0

             Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :             : // Copyright (c) 2024 The Bitcoin Core developers
       2                 :             : // Distributed under the MIT software license, see the accompanying
       3                 :             : // file COPYING or
       4                 :             : 
       5                 :             : #include <common/pcp.h>
       6                 :             : 
       7                 :             : #include <common/netif.h>
       8                 :             : #include <crypto/common.h>
       9                 :             : #include <logging.h>
      10                 :             : #include <netaddress.h>
      11                 :             : #include <netbase.h>
      12                 :             : #include <random.h>
      13                 :             : #include <span.h>
      14                 :             : #include <util/check.h>
      15                 :             : #include <util/readwritefile.h>
      16                 :             : #include <util/sock.h>
      17                 :             : #include <util/strencodings.h>
      18                 :             : 
      19                 :             : namespace {
      20                 :             : 
      21                 :             : // RFC6886 NAT-PMP and RFC6887 Port Control Protocol (PCP) implementation.
      22                 :             : // NAT-PMP and PCP use network byte order (big-endian).
      23                 :             : 
      24                 :             : // NAT-PMP (v0) protocol constants.
      25                 :             : //! NAT-PMP uses a fixed server port number (RFC6887 section 1.1).
      26                 :             : constexpr uint16_t NATPMP_SERVER_PORT = 5351;
      27                 :             : //! Version byte for NATPMP (RFC6886 1.1)
      28                 :             : constexpr uint8_t NATPMP_VERSION = 0;
      29                 :             : //! Request opcode base (RFC6886 3).
      30                 :             : constexpr uint8_t NATPMP_REQUEST = 0x00;
      31                 :             : //! Response opcode base (RFC6886 3).
      32                 :             : constexpr uint8_t NATPMP_RESPONSE = 0x80;
      33                 :             : //! Get external address (RFC6886 3.2)
      34                 :             : constexpr uint8_t NATPMP_OP_GETEXTERNAL = 0x00;
      35                 :             : //! Map TCP port (RFC6886 3.3)
      36                 :             : constexpr uint8_t NATPMP_OP_MAP_TCP = 0x02;
      37                 :             : //! Shared request header size in bytes.
      38                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_REQUEST_HDR_SIZE = 2;
      39                 :             : //! Shared response header (minimum) size in bytes.
      40                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_RESPONSE_HDR_SIZE = 8;
      41                 :             : //! GETEXTERNAL request size in bytes, including header (RFC6886 3.2).
      42                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_GETEXTERNAL_REQUEST_SIZE = NATPMP_REQUEST_HDR_SIZE + 0;
      43                 :             : //! GETEXTERNAL response size in bytes, including header (RFC6886 3.2).
      44                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_GETEXTERNAL_RESPONSE_SIZE = NATPMP_RESPONSE_HDR_SIZE + 4;
      45                 :             : //! MAP request size in bytes, including header (RFC6886 3.3).
      46                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_MAP_REQUEST_SIZE = NATPMP_REQUEST_HDR_SIZE + 10;
      47                 :             : //! MAP response size in bytes, including header (RFC6886 3.3).
      48                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_MAP_RESPONSE_SIZE = NATPMP_RESPONSE_HDR_SIZE + 8;
      49                 :             : 
      50                 :             : // Shared header offsets (RFC6886 3.2, 3.3), relative to start of packet.
      51                 :             : //!  Offset of version field in packets.
      52                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_HDR_VERSION_OFS = 0;
      53                 :             : //!  Offset of opcode field in packets
      54                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_HDR_OP_OFS = 1;
      55                 :             : //!  Offset of result code in packets. Result codes are 16 bit in NAT-PMP instead of 8 bit in PCP.
      56                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_RESPONSE_HDR_RESULT_OFS = 2;
      57                 :             : 
      58                 :             : // GETEXTERNAL response offsets (RFC6886 3.2), relative to start of packet.
      59                 :             : //!  Returned external address
      60                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_GETEXTERNAL_RESPONSE_IP_OFS = 8;
      61                 :             : 
      62                 :             : // MAP request offsets (RFC6886 3.3), relative to start of packet.
      63                 :             : //!  Internal port to be mapped.
      64                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_MAP_REQUEST_INTERNAL_PORT_OFS = 4;
      65                 :             : //!  Suggested external port for mapping.
      66                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_MAP_REQUEST_EXTERNAL_PORT_OFS = 6;
      67                 :             : //!  Requested port mapping lifetime in seconds.
      68                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_MAP_REQUEST_LIFETIME_OFS = 8;
      69                 :             : 
      70                 :             : // MAP response offsets (RFC6886 3.3), relative to start of packet.
      71                 :             : //!  Internal port for mapping (will match internal port of request).
      72                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_MAP_RESPONSE_INTERNAL_PORT_OFS = 8;
      73                 :             : //!  External port for mapping.
      74                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_MAP_RESPONSE_EXTERNAL_PORT_OFS = 10;
      75                 :             : //!  Created port mapping lifetime in seconds.
      76                 :             : constexpr size_t NATPMP_MAP_RESPONSE_LIFETIME_OFS = 12;
      77                 :             : 
      78                 :             : // Relevant NETPMP result codes (RFC6886 3.5).
      79                 :             : //! Result code representing success status.
      80                 :             : constexpr uint8_t NATPMP_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0;
      81                 :             : //! Result code representing unsupported version.
      82                 :             : constexpr uint8_t NATPMP_RESULT_UNSUPP_VERSION = 1;
      83                 :             : //! Result code representing lack of resources.
      84                 :             : constexpr uint8_t NATPMP_RESULT_NO_RESOURCES = 4;
      85                 :             : 
      86                 :             : //! Mapping of NATPMP result code to string (RFC6886 3.5). Result codes <=2 match PCP.
      87                 :             : const std::map<uint8_t, std::string> NATPMP_RESULT_STR{
      88                 :             :     {0,  "SUCCESS"},
      89                 :             :     {1,  "UNSUPP_VERSION"},
      90                 :             :     {2,  "NOT_AUTHORIZED"},
      91                 :             :     {3,  "NETWORK_FAILURE"},
      92                 :             :     {4,  "NO_RESOURCES"},
      93                 :             :     {5,  "UNSUPP_OPCODE"},
      94                 :             : };
      95                 :             : 
      96                 :             : // PCP (v2) protocol constants.
      97                 :             : //! Maximum packet size in bytes (RFC6887 section 7).
      98                 :             : constexpr size_t PCP_MAX_SIZE = 1100;
      99                 :             : //! PCP uses a fixed server port number (RFC6887 section 19.1). Shared with NAT-PMP.
     100                 :             : constexpr uint16_t PCP_SERVER_PORT = NATPMP_SERVER_PORT;
     101                 :             : //! Version byte. 0 is NAT-PMP (RFC6886), 1 is forbidden, 2 for PCP (RFC6887).
     102                 :             : constexpr uint8_t PCP_VERSION = 2;
     103                 :             : //! PCP Request Header. See RFC6887 section 7.1. Shared with NAT-PMP.
     104                 :             : constexpr uint8_t PCP_REQUEST = NATPMP_REQUEST; // R = 0
     105                 :             : //! PCP Response Header. See RFC6887 section 7.2. Shared with NAT-PMP.
     106                 :             : constexpr uint8_t PCP_RESPONSE = NATPMP_RESPONSE; // R = 1
     107                 :             : //! Map opcode. See RFC6887 section 19.2
     108                 :             : constexpr uint8_t PCP_OP_MAP = 0x01;
     109                 :             : //! TCP protocol number (IANA).
     110                 :             : constexpr uint16_t PCP_PROTOCOL_TCP = 6;
     111                 :             : //! Request and response header size in bytes (RFC6887 section 7.1).
     112                 :             : constexpr size_t PCP_HDR_SIZE = 24;
     113                 :             : //! Map request and response size in bytes (RFC6887 section 11.1).
     114                 :             : constexpr size_t PCP_MAP_SIZE = 36;
     115                 :             : 
     116                 :             : // Header offsets shared between request and responses (RFC6887 7.1, 7.2), relative to start of packet.
     117                 :             : //!  Version field (1 byte).
     118                 :             : constexpr size_t PCP_HDR_VERSION_OFS = NATPMP_HDR_VERSION_OFS;
     119                 :             : //!  Opcode field (1 byte).
     120                 :             : constexpr size_t PCP_HDR_OP_OFS = NATPMP_HDR_OP_OFS;
     121                 :             : //!  Requested lifetime (request), granted lifetime (response) (4 bytes).
     122                 :             : constexpr size_t PCP_HDR_LIFETIME_OFS = 4;
     123                 :             : 
     124                 :             : // Request header offsets (RFC6887 7.1), relative to start of packet.
     125                 :             : //!  PCP client's IP address (16 bytes).
     126                 :             : constexpr size_t PCP_REQUEST_HDR_IP_OFS = 8;
     127                 :             : 
     128                 :             : // Response header offsets (RFC6887 7.2), relative to start of packet.
     129                 :             : //!  Result code (1 byte).
     130                 :             : constexpr size_t PCP_RESPONSE_HDR_RESULT_OFS = 3;
     131                 :             : 
     132                 :             : // MAP request/response offsets (RFC6887 11.1), relative to start of opcode-specific data.
     133                 :             : //!  Mapping nonce (12 bytes).
     134                 :             : constexpr size_t PCP_MAP_NONCE_OFS = 0;
     135                 :             : //!  Protocol (1 byte).
     136                 :             : constexpr size_t PCP_MAP_PROTOCOL_OFS = 12;
     137                 :             : //!  Internal port for mapping (2 bytes).
     138                 :             : constexpr size_t PCP_MAP_INTERNAL_PORT_OFS = 16;
     139                 :             : //!  Suggested external port (request), assigned external port (response) (2 bytes).
     140                 :             : constexpr size_t PCP_MAP_EXTERNAL_PORT_OFS = 18;
     141                 :             : //!  Suggested external IP (request), assigned external IP (response) (16 bytes).
     142                 :             : constexpr size_t PCP_MAP_EXTERNAL_IP_OFS = 20;
     143                 :             : 
     144                 :             : //! Result code representing success (RFC6887 7.4), shared with NAT-PMP.
     145                 :             : constexpr uint8_t PCP_RESULT_SUCCESS = NATPMP_RESULT_SUCCESS;
     146                 :             : //! Result code representing lack of resources (RFC6887 7.4).
     147                 :             : constexpr uint8_t PCP_RESULT_NO_RESOURCES = 8;
     148                 :             : 
     149                 :             : //! Mapping of PCP result code to string (RFC6887 7.4). Result codes <=2 match NAT-PMP.
     150                 :             : const std::map<uint8_t, std::string> PCP_RESULT_STR{
     151                 :             :     {0,  "SUCCESS"},
     152                 :             :     {1,  "UNSUPP_VERSION"},
     153                 :             :     {2,  "NOT_AUTHORIZED"},
     154                 :             :     {3,  "MALFORMED_REQUEST"},
     155                 :             :     {4,  "UNSUPP_OPCODE"},
     156                 :             :     {5,  "UNSUPP_OPTION"},
     157                 :             :     {6,  "MALFORMED_OPTION"},
     158                 :             :     {7,  "NETWORK_FAILURE"},
     159                 :             :     {8,  "NO_RESOURCES"},
     160                 :             :     {9,  "UNSUPP_PROTOCOL"},
     161                 :             :     {10, "USER_EX_QUOTA"},
     162                 :             :     {11, "CANNOT_PROVIDE_EXTERNAL"},
     163                 :             :     {12, "ADDRESS_MISMATCH"},
     164                 :             :     {13, "EXCESSIVE_REMOTE_PEER"},
     165                 :             : };
     166                 :             : 
     167                 :             : //! Return human-readable string from NATPMP result code.
     168                 :           0 : std::string NATPMPResultString(uint8_t result_code)
     169                 :             : {
     170                 :           0 :     auto result_i = NATPMP_RESULT_STR.find(result_code);
     171   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     return strprintf("%s (code %d)", result_i == NATPMP_RESULT_STR.end() ? "(unknown)" : result_i->second,  result_code);
     172                 :             : }
     173                 :             : 
     174                 :             : //! Return human-readable string from PCP result code.
     175                 :           0 : std::string PCPResultString(uint8_t result_code)
     176                 :             : {
     177                 :           0 :     auto result_i = PCP_RESULT_STR.find(result_code);
     178   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     return strprintf("%s (code %d)", result_i == PCP_RESULT_STR.end() ? "(unknown)" : result_i->second,  result_code);
     179                 :             : }
     180                 :             : 
     181                 :             : //! Wrap address in IPv6 according to RFC6887. wrapped_addr needs to be able to store 16 bytes.
     182                 :           0 : [[nodiscard]] bool PCPWrapAddress(Span<uint8_t> wrapped_addr, const CNetAddr &addr)
     183                 :             : {
     184                 :           0 :     Assume(wrapped_addr.size() == ADDR_IPV6_SIZE);
     185         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (addr.IsIPv4()) {
     186                 :           0 :         struct in_addr addr4;
     187         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (!addr.GetInAddr(&addr4)) return false;
     188                 :             :         // Section 5: "When the address field holds an IPv4 address, an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address [RFC4291] is used (::ffff:0:0/96)."
     189                 :           0 :         std::memcpy(,, IPV4_IN_IPV6_PREFIX.size());
     190                 :           0 :         std::memcpy( + IPV4_IN_IPV6_PREFIX.size(), &addr4, ADDR_IPV4_SIZE);
     191                 :           0 :         return true;
     192         [ #  # ]:           0 :     } else if (addr.IsIPv6()) {
     193                 :           0 :         struct in6_addr addr6;
     194         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (!addr.GetIn6Addr(&addr6)) return false;
     195                 :           0 :         std::memcpy(, &addr6, ADDR_IPV6_SIZE);
     196                 :           0 :         return true;
     197                 :             :     } else {
     198                 :             :         return false;
     199                 :             :     }
     200                 :             : }
     201                 :             : 
     202                 :             : //! Unwrap PCP-encoded address according to RFC6887.
     203                 :           0 : CNetAddr PCPUnwrapAddress(Span<const uint8_t> wrapped_addr)
     204                 :             : {
     205                 :           0 :     Assume(wrapped_addr.size() == ADDR_IPV6_SIZE);
     206         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (util::HasPrefix(wrapped_addr, IPV4_IN_IPV6_PREFIX)) {
     207                 :           0 :         struct in_addr addr4;
     208                 :           0 :         std::memcpy(&addr4, + IPV4_IN_IPV6_PREFIX.size(), ADDR_IPV4_SIZE);
     209                 :           0 :         return CNetAddr(addr4);
     210                 :             :     } else {
     211                 :           0 :         struct in6_addr addr6;
     212                 :           0 :         std::memcpy(&addr6,, ADDR_IPV6_SIZE);
     213                 :           0 :         return CNetAddr(addr6);
     214                 :             :     }
     215                 :             : }
     216                 :             : 
     217                 :             : //! PCP or NAT-PMP send-receive loop.
     218                 :           0 : std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> PCPSendRecv(Sock &sock, const std::string &protocol, Span<const uint8_t> request, int num_tries,
     219                 :             :         std::chrono::milliseconds timeout_per_try,
     220                 :             :         std::function<bool(Span<const uint8_t>)> check_packet)
     221                 :             : {
     222                 :           0 :     using namespace std::chrono;
     223                 :             :     // UDP is a potentially lossy protocol, so we try to send again a few times.
     224                 :           0 :     uint8_t response[PCP_MAX_SIZE];
     225                 :           0 :     bool got_response = false;
     226                 :           0 :     int recvsz = 0;
     227   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     for (int ntry = 0; !got_response && ntry < num_tries; ++ntry) {
     228         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (ntry > 0) {
     229         [ #  # ]:           0 :             LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Debug, "%s: Retrying (%d)\n", protocol, ntry);
     230                 :             :         }
     231                 :             :         // Dispatch packet to gateway.
     232         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (sock.Send(, request.size(), 0) != static_cast<ssize_t>(request.size())) {
     233   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "%s: Could not send request: %s\n", protocol, NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError()));
     234                 :           0 :             return std::nullopt; // Network-level error, probably no use retrying.
     235                 :             :         }
     236                 :             : 
     237                 :             :         // Wait for response(s) until we get a valid response, a network error, or time out.
     238                 :           0 :         auto cur_time = time_point_cast<milliseconds>(steady_clock::now());
     239                 :           0 :         auto deadline = cur_time + timeout_per_try;
     240         [ #  # ]:           0 :         while ((cur_time = time_point_cast<milliseconds>(steady_clock::now())) < deadline) {
     241                 :           0 :             Sock::Event occurred = 0;
     242         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (!sock.Wait(deadline - cur_time, Sock::RECV, &occurred)) {
     243   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :                 LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "%s: Could not wait on socket: %s\n", protocol, NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError()));
     244                 :           0 :                 return std::nullopt; // Network-level error, probably no use retrying.
     245                 :             :             }
     246         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (!occurred) {
     247         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Debug, "%s: Timeout\n", protocol);
     248                 :             :                 break; // Retry.
     249                 :             :             }
     250                 :             : 
     251                 :             :             // Receive response.
     252                 :           0 :             recvsz = sock.Recv(response, sizeof(response), MSG_DONTWAIT);
     253         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (recvsz < 0) {
     254   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :                 LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "%s: Could not receive response: %s\n", protocol, NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError()));
     255                 :           0 :                 return std::nullopt; // Network-level error, probably no use retrying.
     256                 :             :             }
     257   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Debug, "%s: Received response of %d bytes: %s\n", protocol, recvsz, HexStr(Span(response, recvsz)));
     258                 :             : 
     259         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (check_packet(Span<uint8_t>(response, recvsz))) {
     260                 :             :                 got_response = true; // Got expected response, break from receive loop as well as from retry loop.
     261                 :             :                 break;
     262                 :             :             }
     263                 :             :         }
     264                 :             :     }
     265         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!got_response) {
     266         [ #  # ]:           0 :         LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Debug, "%s: Giving up after %d tries\n", protocol, num_tries);
     267                 :           0 :         return std::nullopt;
     268                 :             :     }
     269                 :           0 :     return std::vector<uint8_t>(response, response + recvsz);
     270                 :             : }
     271                 :             : 
     272                 :             : }
     273                 :             : 
     274                 :           0 : std::variant<MappingResult, MappingError> NATPMPRequestPortMap(const CNetAddr &gateway, uint16_t port, uint32_t lifetime, int num_tries, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout_per_try)
     275                 :             : {
     276                 :           0 :     struct sockaddr_storage dest_addr;
     277                 :           0 :     socklen_t dest_addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
     278                 :             : 
     279   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Debug, "natpmp: Requesting port mapping port %d from gateway %s\n", port, gateway.ToStringAddr());
     280                 :             : 
     281                 :             :     // Validate gateway, make sure it's IPv4. NAT-PMP does not support IPv6.
     282   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (!CService(gateway, PCP_SERVER_PORT).GetSockAddr((struct sockaddr*)&dest_addr, &dest_addrlen)) return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     283         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (dest_addr.ss_family != AF_INET) return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     284                 :             : 
     285                 :             :     // Create IPv4 UDP socket
     286                 :           0 :     auto sock{CreateSock(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)};
     287         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!sock) {
     288   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "natpmp: Could not create UDP socket: %s\n", NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError()));
             #  #  #  # ]
     289                 :           0 :         return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     290                 :             :     }
     291                 :             : 
     292                 :             :     // Associate UDP socket to gateway.
     293   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (sock->Connect((struct sockaddr*)&dest_addr, dest_addrlen) != 0) {
     294   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "natpmp: Could not connect to gateway: %s\n", NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError()));
             #  #  #  # ]
     295                 :           0 :         return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     296                 :             :     }
     297                 :             : 
     298                 :             :     // Use getsockname to get the address toward the default gateway (the internal address).
     299                 :           0 :     struct sockaddr_in internal;
     300                 :           0 :     socklen_t internal_addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
     301   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (sock->GetSockName((struct sockaddr*)&internal, &internal_addrlen) != 0) {
     302   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "natpmp: Could not get sock name: %s\n", NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError()));
             #  #  #  # ]
     303                 :           0 :         return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     304                 :             :     }
     305                 :             : 
     306                 :             :     // Request external IP address (RFC6886 section 3.2).
     307         [ #  # ]:           0 :     std::vector<uint8_t> request(NATPMP_GETEXTERNAL_REQUEST_SIZE);
     308         [ #  # ]:           0 :     request[NATPMP_HDR_VERSION_OFS] = NATPMP_VERSION;
     309                 :           0 :     request[NATPMP_HDR_OP_OFS] = NATPMP_REQUEST | NATPMP_OP_GETEXTERNAL;
     310                 :             : 
     311         [ #  # ]:           0 :     auto recv_res = PCPSendRecv(*sock, "natpmp", request, num_tries, timeout_per_try,
     312                 :           0 :         [&](const Span<const uint8_t> response) -> bool {
     313         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (response.size() < NATPMP_GETEXTERNAL_RESPONSE_SIZE) {
     314         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "natpmp: Response too small\n");
     315                 :           0 :                 return false; // Wasn't response to what we expected, try receiving next packet.
     316                 :             :             }
     317   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             if (response[NATPMP_HDR_VERSION_OFS] != NATPMP_VERSION || response[NATPMP_HDR_OP_OFS] != (NATPMP_RESPONSE | NATPMP_OP_GETEXTERNAL)) {
     318         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "natpmp: Response to wrong command\n");
     319                 :           0 :                 return false; // Wasn't response to what we expected, try receiving next packet.
     320                 :             :             }
     321                 :             :             return true;
     322         [ #  # ]:           0 :         });
     323                 :             : 
     324                 :           0 :     struct in_addr external_addr;
     325         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (recv_res) {
     326         [ #  # ]:           0 :         const std::span<const uint8_t> response = *recv_res;
     327                 :             : 
     328         [ #  # ]:           0 :         Assume(response.size() >= NATPMP_GETEXTERNAL_RESPONSE_SIZE);
     329         [ #  # ]:           0 :         uint16_t result_code = ReadBE16( + NATPMP_RESPONSE_HDR_RESULT_OFS);
     330         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (result_code != NATPMP_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
     331   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "natpmp: Getting external address failed with result %s\n", NATPMPResultString(result_code));
             #  #  #  # ]
     332                 :           0 :             return MappingError::PROTOCOL_ERROR;
     333                 :             :         }
     334                 :             : 
     335         [ #  # ]:           0 :         std::memcpy(&external_addr, + NATPMP_GETEXTERNAL_RESPONSE_IP_OFS, ADDR_IPV4_SIZE);
     336                 :             :     } else {
     337                 :           0 :         return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     338                 :             :     }
     339                 :             : 
     340                 :             :     // Create TCP mapping request (RFC6886 section 3.3).
     341         [ #  # ]:           0 :     request = std::vector<uint8_t>(NATPMP_MAP_REQUEST_SIZE);
     342                 :           0 :     request[NATPMP_HDR_VERSION_OFS] = NATPMP_VERSION;
     343                 :           0 :     request[NATPMP_HDR_OP_OFS] = NATPMP_REQUEST | NATPMP_OP_MAP_TCP;
     344                 :           0 :     WriteBE16( + NATPMP_MAP_REQUEST_INTERNAL_PORT_OFS, port);
     345                 :           0 :     WriteBE16( + NATPMP_MAP_REQUEST_EXTERNAL_PORT_OFS, port);
     346                 :           0 :     WriteBE32( + NATPMP_MAP_REQUEST_LIFETIME_OFS, lifetime);
     347                 :             : 
     348         [ #  # ]:           0 :     recv_res = PCPSendRecv(*sock, "natpmp", request, num_tries, timeout_per_try,
     349         [ #  # ]:           0 :         [&](const Span<const uint8_t> response) -> bool {
     350         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (response.size() < NATPMP_MAP_RESPONSE_SIZE) {
     351         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "natpmp: Response too small\n");
     352                 :           0 :                 return false; // Wasn't response to what we expected, try receiving next packet.
     353                 :             :             }
     354   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             if (response[0] != NATPMP_VERSION || response[1] != (NATPMP_RESPONSE | NATPMP_OP_MAP_TCP)) {
     355         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "natpmp: Response to wrong command\n");
     356                 :           0 :                 return false; // Wasn't response to what we expected, try receiving next packet.
     357                 :             :             }
     358         [ #  # ]:           0 :             uint16_t internal_port = ReadBE16( + NATPMP_MAP_RESPONSE_INTERNAL_PORT_OFS);
     359         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (internal_port != port) {
     360         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "natpmp: Response port doesn't match request\n");
     361                 :           0 :                 return false; // Wasn't response to what we expected, try receiving next packet.
     362                 :             :             }
     363                 :             :             return true;
     364                 :           0 :         });
     365                 :             : 
     366         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (recv_res) {
     367         [ #  # ]:           0 :         const std::span<uint8_t> response = *recv_res;
     368                 :             : 
     369         [ #  # ]:           0 :         Assume(response.size() >= NATPMP_MAP_RESPONSE_SIZE);
     370         [ #  # ]:           0 :         uint16_t result_code = ReadBE16( + NATPMP_RESPONSE_HDR_RESULT_OFS);
     371         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (result_code != NATPMP_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
     372   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "natpmp: Port mapping failed with result %s\n", NATPMPResultString(result_code));
             #  #  #  # ]
     373         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (result_code == NATPMP_RESULT_NO_RESOURCES) {
     374                 :           0 :                 return MappingError::NO_RESOURCES;
     375                 :             :             }
     376                 :           0 :             return MappingError::PROTOCOL_ERROR;
     377                 :             :         }
     378                 :             : 
     379         [ #  # ]:           0 :         uint32_t lifetime_ret = ReadBE32( + NATPMP_MAP_RESPONSE_LIFETIME_OFS);
     380         [ #  # ]:           0 :         uint16_t external_port = ReadBE16( + NATPMP_MAP_RESPONSE_EXTERNAL_PORT_OFS);
     381   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :         return MappingResult(NATPMP_VERSION, CService(internal.sin_addr, port), CService(external_addr, external_port), lifetime_ret);
     382                 :             :     } else {
     383                 :           0 :         return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     384                 :             :     }
     385                 :           0 : }
     386                 :             : 
     387                 :           0 : std::variant<MappingResult, MappingError> PCPRequestPortMap(const PCPMappingNonce &nonce, const CNetAddr &gateway, const CNetAddr &bind, uint16_t port, uint32_t lifetime, int num_tries, std::chrono::milliseconds timeout_per_try)
     388                 :             : {
     389                 :           0 :     struct sockaddr_storage dest_addr, bind_addr;
     390                 :           0 :     socklen_t dest_addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage), bind_addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
     391                 :             : 
     392   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Debug, "pcp: Requesting port mapping for addr %s port %d from gateway %s\n", bind.ToStringAddr(), port, gateway.ToStringAddr());
                   #  # ]
     393                 :             : 
     394                 :             :     // Validate addresses, make sure they're the same network family.
     395   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (!CService(gateway, PCP_SERVER_PORT).GetSockAddr((struct sockaddr*)&dest_addr, &dest_addrlen)) return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     396   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (!CService(bind, 0).GetSockAddr((struct sockaddr*)&bind_addr, &bind_addrlen)) return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     397         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (dest_addr.ss_family != bind_addr.ss_family) return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     398                 :             : 
     399                 :             :     // Create UDP socket (IPv4 or IPv6 based on provided gateway).
     400                 :           0 :     auto sock{CreateSock(dest_addr.ss_family, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)};
     401         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!sock) {
     402   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "pcp: Could not create UDP socket: %s\n", NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError()));
             #  #  #  # ]
     403                 :           0 :         return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     404                 :             :     }
     405                 :             : 
     406                 :             :     // Make sure that we send from requested destination address, anything else will be
     407                 :             :     // rejected by a security-conscious router.
     408   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (sock->Bind((struct sockaddr*)&bind_addr, bind_addrlen) != 0) {
     409   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "pcp: Could not bind to address: %s\n", NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError()));
             #  #  #  # ]
     410                 :           0 :         return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     411                 :             :     }
     412                 :             : 
     413                 :             :     // Associate UDP socket to gateway.
     414   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (sock->Connect((struct sockaddr*)&dest_addr, dest_addrlen) != 0) {
     415   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "pcp: Could not connect to gateway: %s\n", NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError()));
             #  #  #  # ]
     416                 :           0 :         return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     417                 :             :     }
     418                 :             : 
     419                 :             :     // Use getsockname to get the address toward the default gateway (the internal address),
     420                 :             :     // in case we don't know what address to map
     421                 :             :     // (this is only needed if bind is INADDR_ANY, but it doesn't hurt as an extra check).
     422                 :           0 :     struct sockaddr_storage internal_addr;
     423                 :           0 :     socklen_t internal_addrlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage);
     424   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (sock->GetSockName((struct sockaddr*)&internal_addr, &internal_addrlen) != 0) {
     425   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "pcp: Could not get sock name: %s\n", NetworkErrorString(WSAGetLastError()));
             #  #  #  # ]
     426                 :           0 :         return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     427                 :             :     }
     428         [ #  # ]:           0 :     CService internal;
     429   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (!internal.SetSockAddr((struct sockaddr*)&internal_addr)) return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     430   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :     LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Debug, "pcp: Internal address after connect: %s\n", internal.ToStringAddr());
             #  #  #  # ]
     431                 :             : 
     432                 :             :     // Build request packet. Make sure the packet is zeroed so that reserved fields are zero
     433                 :             :     // as required by the spec (and not potentially leak data).
     434                 :             :     // Make sure there's space for the request header and MAP specific request data.
     435         [ #  # ]:           0 :     std::vector<uint8_t> request(PCP_HDR_SIZE + PCP_MAP_SIZE);
     436                 :             :     // Fill in request header, See RFC6887 Figure 2.
     437                 :           0 :     size_t ofs = 0;
     438                 :           0 :     request[ofs + PCP_HDR_VERSION_OFS] = PCP_VERSION;
     439                 :           0 :     request[ofs + PCP_HDR_OP_OFS] = PCP_REQUEST | PCP_OP_MAP;
     440                 :           0 :     WriteBE32( + ofs + PCP_HDR_LIFETIME_OFS, lifetime);
     441   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (!PCPWrapAddress(Span(request).subspan(ofs + PCP_REQUEST_HDR_IP_OFS, ADDR_IPV6_SIZE), internal)) return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     442                 :             : 
     443                 :           0 :     ofs += PCP_HDR_SIZE;
     444                 :             : 
     445                 :             :     // Fill in MAP request packet, See RFC6887 Figure 9.
     446                 :             :     // Randomize mapping nonce (this is repeated in the response, to be able to
     447                 :             :     // correlate requests and responses, and used to authenticate changes to the mapping).
     448                 :           0 :     std::memcpy( + ofs + PCP_MAP_NONCE_OFS,, PCP_MAP_NONCE_SIZE);
     449                 :           0 :     request[ofs + PCP_MAP_PROTOCOL_OFS] = PCP_PROTOCOL_TCP;
     450                 :           0 :     WriteBE16( + ofs + PCP_MAP_INTERNAL_PORT_OFS, port);
     451                 :           0 :     WriteBE16( + ofs + PCP_MAP_EXTERNAL_PORT_OFS, port);
     452   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     if (!PCPWrapAddress(Span(request).subspan(ofs + PCP_MAP_EXTERNAL_IP_OFS, ADDR_IPV6_SIZE), bind)) return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     453                 :             : 
     454                 :           0 :     ofs += PCP_MAP_SIZE;
     455         [ #  # ]:           0 :     Assume(ofs == request.size());
     456                 :             : 
     457                 :             :     // Receive loop.
     458                 :           0 :     bool is_natpmp = false;
     459         [ #  # ]:           0 :     auto recv_res = PCPSendRecv(*sock, "pcp", request, num_tries, timeout_per_try,
     460         [ #  # ]:           0 :         [&](const Span<const uint8_t> response) -> bool {
     461                 :             :             // Unsupported version according to RFC6887 appendix A and RFC6886 section 3.5, can fall back to NAT-PMP.
     462   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :             if (response.size() == NATPMP_RESPONSE_HDR_SIZE && response[PCP_HDR_VERSION_OFS] == NATPMP_VERSION && response[PCP_RESPONSE_HDR_RESULT_OFS] == NATPMP_RESULT_UNSUPP_VERSION) {
                   #  # ]
     463                 :           0 :                 is_natpmp = true;
     464                 :           0 :                 return true; // Let it through to caller.
     465                 :             :             }
     466         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (response.size() < (PCP_HDR_SIZE + PCP_MAP_SIZE)) {
     467         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "pcp: Response too small\n");
     468                 :           0 :                 return false; // Wasn't response to what we expected, try receiving next packet.
     469                 :             :             }
     470   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             if (response[PCP_HDR_VERSION_OFS] != PCP_VERSION || response[PCP_HDR_OP_OFS] != (PCP_RESPONSE | PCP_OP_MAP)) {
     471         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "pcp: Response to wrong command\n");
     472                 :           0 :                 return false; // Wasn't response to what we expected, try receiving next packet.
     473                 :             :             }
     474                 :             :             // Handle MAP opcode response. See RFC6887 Figure 10.
     475                 :             :             // Check that returned mapping nonce matches our request.
     476         [ #  # ]:           0 :             if (!std::ranges::equal(response.subspan(PCP_HDR_SIZE + PCP_MAP_NONCE_OFS, PCP_MAP_NONCE_SIZE), nonce)) {
     477         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "pcp: Mapping nonce mismatch\n");
     478                 :           0 :                 return false; // Wasn't response to what we expected, try receiving next packet.
     479                 :             :             }
     480                 :           0 :             uint8_t protocol = response[PCP_HDR_SIZE + 12];
     481         [ #  # ]:           0 :             uint16_t internal_port = ReadBE16( + PCP_HDR_SIZE + 16);
     482   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :             if (protocol != PCP_PROTOCOL_TCP || internal_port != port) {
     483         [ #  # ]:           0 :                 LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "pcp: Response protocol or port doesn't match request\n");
     484                 :           0 :                 return false; // Wasn't response to what we expected, try receiving next packet.
     485                 :             :             }
     486                 :             :             return true;
     487         [ #  # ]:           0 :         });
     488                 :             : 
     489         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (!recv_res) {
     490                 :           0 :         return MappingError::NETWORK_ERROR;
     491                 :             :     }
     492         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (is_natpmp) {
     493                 :           0 :         return MappingError::UNSUPP_VERSION;
     494                 :             :     }
     495                 :             : 
     496         [ #  # ]:           0 :     const std::span<const uint8_t> response = *recv_res;
     497                 :             :     // If we get here, we got a valid MAP response to our request.
     498                 :             :     // Check to see if we got the result we expected.
     499         [ #  # ]:           0 :     Assume(response.size() >= (PCP_HDR_SIZE + PCP_MAP_SIZE));
     500                 :           0 :     uint8_t result_code = response[PCP_RESPONSE_HDR_RESULT_OFS];
     501         [ #  # ]:           0 :     uint32_t lifetime_ret = ReadBE32( + PCP_HDR_LIFETIME_OFS);
     502         [ #  # ]:           0 :     uint16_t external_port = ReadBE16( + PCP_HDR_SIZE + PCP_MAP_EXTERNAL_PORT_OFS);
     503         [ #  # ]:           0 :     CNetAddr external_addr{PCPUnwrapAddress(response.subspan(PCP_HDR_SIZE + PCP_MAP_EXTERNAL_IP_OFS, ADDR_IPV6_SIZE))};
     504         [ #  # ]:           0 :     if (result_code != PCP_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
     505   [ #  #  #  #  :           0 :         LogPrintLevel(BCLog::NET, BCLog::Level::Warning, "pcp: Mapping failed with result %s\n", PCPResultString(result_code));
             #  #  #  # ]
     506         [ #  # ]:           0 :         if (result_code == PCP_RESULT_NO_RESOURCES) {
     507                 :           0 :             return MappingError::NO_RESOURCES;
     508                 :             :         }
     509                 :           0 :         return MappingError::PROTOCOL_ERROR;
     510                 :             :     }
     511                 :             : 
     512   [ #  #  #  # ]:           0 :     return MappingResult(PCP_VERSION, CService(internal, port), CService(external_addr, external_port), lifetime_ret);
     513                 :           0 : }
     514                 :             : 
     515                 :           0 : std::string MappingResult::ToString()
     516                 :             : {
     517                 :           0 :     Assume(version == NATPMP_VERSION || version == PCP_VERSION);
     518                 :           0 :     return strprintf("%s:%s -> %s (for %ds)",
     519         [ #  # ]:           0 :             version == NATPMP_VERSION ? "natpmp" : "pcp",
     520         [ #  # ]:           0 :             external.ToStringAddrPort(),
     521                 :           0 :             internal.ToStringAddrPort(),
     522                 :           0 :             lifetime
     523         [ #  # ]:           0 :         );
     524                 :             : }

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